Monday, March 9, 2009


Living in this scenic postcard known as the Pacific northwest of the good ol' U.S. of A. has it's unique advantages... clean air... rivers & lakes everywhere...lots of fresh green forests...lots of open spaces...some of the most awesome coastal landscapes sitting on the shores on the Pacific Ocean... mountains...valleys... deserts... rolling plains...all within an hours drive or two. But with all the blessings of God's country, the Pacific northwest still "boasts" itself as one of the "least religious" areas of the country. To be honest the New England states are fighting to contend, with Vermont now leading the way...with 34% of the people in that state claiming "no religion" as their lifestyle. Nationally 15% of Americans claim to be of "no religion", up from 14.1% in 2001 and 8.2% in 1990. So this group of "non-religious" appears to be rising in every state. There definitely seems to be trend pretty easy to track in the sands of American culture. To be fair, many spiritual people (Christians included) may be put off by the term "religion" and thus may not want to wear that badge in a that is bound to have some effect on these stats...but the trend is there none the less. 76% of Americans claim to be Christians in 2008, slightly down from the 77% in 2001, but dramatically down from 1990's 86%. Now, the flat or decline trend looks to be in all areas of "religion". Mormons are still about 1.4%...Buddhism has slowed slightly in it's appeal...practicing religiously observant Jews has dropped from 1.8% (in 1990) to 1.2% (in 2008)...Muslims are about .6%...about 1.2% (combined) are into various fringe beliefs like Scientology, Wicca, Santeria etc...while 12% claim to believe in a "higher power" that is not a personal God, so to speak. Mainline protestant churches (Lutheran, Episcopalian, Methodist etc...) and Catholic churches are declining the most...down about 17%. Even with the influx of the Latino population, Catholics are diminishing. 45% of all Americans (including Christians & Catholics) claim to be "evangelical or born again", which is a decrease, as well. The one group that has increased the most is the non-denominational Christian, who were only about .1% (in 1990) and now are 3.5% (in 2008). A small but significantly growing group. Some would say we are in a "post-denominational" era...where people don't join churches based on denomination anymore...but based on the style or personality of the church. This is a major shift from previous generations where people based their church choices on the denomination of their preference. Why is this worth looking at? Well, in the Pacific northwest, approximately 80% of the people who live here, don't go to church. That means our churches are "competing" in reaching 20% of the population who are "shopping" for a church. Outside of that group, though, anyone who lives in the northwest would agree that the population is very spiritual...but in an independent, anti-establishment, anti-institutional way. At ECHO, we recognize this and rather than ridicule or chastise the community for "being that way"...we ask, why? Why do people search spiritually...but don't trust "the church" for honest answers? Why do people see "the church" as some sort of establishment organization that uses people and can't be trusted? Why do people feel used or even abused by "the church" in how their time, money and talents are used (or mis-used)? These are fair questions to ask...and the answers are multiple. But in short, the quick and direct answer is...because we have given them "good reason" to believe that is what we are about! As followers of Jesus we need to be forth right with the fact that "the church" has used the scriptures to forward agendas that are not always biblically the point that even people who are not followers of Jesus (yet), raise an eye brow as they smell something they back away. As followers of Jesus, we have, at times forwarded agendas that seem much more about building our denominations, individual church kingdoms and ministries...rather than God's Kingdom...and people searching for truth see it...smell it...and back off. We have been guilty, at times of being more about "butts in the seats", "dollars in the plates", and "building monuments unto ourselves". Is it any wonder, that people who are spiritually wandering...yet searching for truth...back away? So much of what "we" have done, and still "do", seems inconsistent with a Jesus-like lifestyle...even to the casual observer. Does it matter? The bible says we are to "let our light shine before men..." so that they may be drawn towards God. The bible says we are "to be a pleasant aroma" that is attractive. If what we are doing is having the opposite affect...then should we examine if we are "shining light", and "giving off a pleasant aroma"...or perhaps something that "smells like _____ (insert your own word choice here). At ECHO, we hope to be honest in addressing these short falls...and bridging the gaps...and barriers that keep people away from the Truth they seek. Jesus said, "If you seek Me, you will find Me." That promise should be of the utmost concern to those of us who follow Jesus. We should pave the way in how we live out our faith...not create "potholes" that hinder that we point others towards the One who is Truth! Some of that is being honest about the "potholes" that do exist in church culture...past... present...and inevitably...will be in the future. As long as people are involved, we are bound to get it wrong sometimes...we are bound to get off track sometimes...but if and when we do...our admission and re-alignment to the ways of Jesus will speak volumes to a culture spiritually wandering. If we model humility in our errors and a heart that trusts Jesus agenda over our own, as we serve God and people, then maybe...just maybe, we can draw some in closer to the God that is Love and is the Truth they seek! At ECHO we embrace the wanderers...the messy lives...and the spiritually we follow the One who knows the Way...Who teaches us how to Live as we were designed...and Who is the Truth!

be God's!
Brian O
Lead Pastor dude, ECHO

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