Saturday, April 25, 2009

Rules of Engagement

Instruction manuals? Am I the only one who has a love/hate
relationship with them? I recently open a package for a device that literally needed one AA battery and 3 pieces assembled in a very obvious way...and the "instructions" were a freakin' 16 pages of the smallest type I'd ever seen! It had to be written in 4 point type or something...ridiculous, what a waste of paper? It's like flying on an airplane...where they tell you how to "buckle your seat belt"? Really? Is that necessary? And it begs the question, that "if" you do not know how to "buckle your seat belt"...should you even be out in public at all? Seriously, some instructions do seem to be a waste. On the other hand, honestly, I have also "loved" my instruction booklet when the thing has 42 steps that some engineering genius thought up. You know, the type of thing you build and you are surprised it even holds together and functions as it should. I have found myself after those "assemblies" being amazed at the genius of the dude or dudettes who thought this thing up! But what if all I did was read the booklet's instructions, but never "did what it said"? Well, then I wouldn't have the first hand experience of "knowing" that this thing is genius! I could guess at it rationally perhaps...but I would not have "experienced" it, as the designer intended. Much can be said similarly in regards the bible. It is one thing to "read it", "analyze it", "systematically study it", and even organize it's contents into "principles" and "guidelines"...but those things "in the book" won't get you to your destination...heaven, the place God has prepared for you. These facts won't get you forgiveness, healing, peace, comfort or victory. The "book" doesn't get you there...but the One "the book" is about will. Jesus said all the Law, the prophets...all scripture speaks about Him. In fact Jesus spoke to the Pharisees and the teachers of the Law, and said they knew it well, yet they failed to see "Who it was all about". Jesus said also that "all the law & prophets could be summed up in this: love God with your whole heart, mind & soul...and love others as you love yourself." Often, in church circles, we act as if the principles, laws, and the stuff in the book is gonna get you to heaven. As a result, so many feel like they "don't know enough"...that they have memorized scripture after scripture and it doesn't work...that they have become intimidated by the shear volume & complexity of the scriptures... the "Word of God"...that apparently goes over "their head". Yet, those same scriptures make it clear that all these scriptures speak of Someone... and it's "that" Someone who can get you where you need to be. That Someone invites us into a relationship...a relationship of trust. That Someone has made a way for anyone who trusts in Him. There is no more barriers in the way hindering our relationship with God...not even the volumes of scripture many are intimidated by. As Jesus said, don't forget, all these scriptures are about "Me". If you know every line of scripture, but not the One in whom it have nothing! The whole point of bible study, is to reveal the heart of God towards you...and to allow you to experience the Truth...the Way...and how Life is intended to be lived out! Will scripture, the active scripture that is alive by God's Spirit, reveal God to man...oh ya, it will. Many have called the bible, God's love story to each and every one of us. But at ECHO, we realize that in church circles, we often present the bible as an academic pursuit of rational information, laws & principles...not the love letter it is intended to be. The point is "relationship" always has been...for the Eternal God is love. This is meant to be a child-like faith journey...i.e. easy...not a series of intellectual hurdles that only a few can conquer. If we study the "rule book" to the last letter...but miss the opportunity to engage the God of the Universe in a trusting eternal relationship...then we've missed the point entirely. Jesus said so...

be God's!
Brian O
Lead Pastor dude, ECHO

Friday, April 17, 2009

Fast Forward

Often, as we recoup from our Easter festivities...come down from the sugar overload... digest that dinner feast... and contemplate the power of from death... mortal to the immortal... sadness to joy...we usually miss something along the way. Why has God given us the gift of eternal life? What could we possibly do "forever"? The idea is foreign to us mere it should be...never ending is hard to grasp isn't it? Now many say the answer that you can have a perfect relationship with God for all eternity...and that's true. In fact, that is the power of Jesus sacrifice on the that act, everyone now has free access to more barriers in the way. Think of it, God in His great love desired relationship with each of us so much, that He made a way for it to spite of our sinfulness...selfishness...human-ness. Having paid the price for each person's sin, clears the way of opportunity for relationship to every man, woman & child. Now the issue isn't "being good enough" (for all have fallen short...), the issue is now, who chooses to enter into that relationship by faith (in trust). Some will accept...some, the bible says will choose their own way...and that is sad. So everlasting relationship with God is available to all who desire it...and in that we celebrate! Now what happens next, leaves many puzzled. It seems the best we can conjure up for what happens next is...we will worship God for ever & the old hymn says, "when we've been there 10,000 years...". What? 10,000 years of got to be kidding me...that's what we have waiting for us? Now I enjoy a good worship service as much as most...but 10,000 years of never ending church service in the sky... sounds like hell to me! Yet, that is what we usually present to people about what God has for us. No wonder so many people think "hell is some kind of wild party" and "heaven is a long boring church service". Have we misrepresented the truth in this...hell is ultimate aloneness...darkness...anguish. And its in heaven where eternal life begins with a party...a huge party...with Jesus himself popping the cork, so to speak! Not just that, but in reality, the bible tells us so much more. Will we worship & sing our thanksgiving to God...ya sure we will, that's part of it I'm sure...but we often think heavenly worship is limited to "how we do it in our churches today"... you know the band playing choruses and we sing along etc... Actually a heart of worship is rejoicing in awe of God in many different could be in could be in could be in could be in could be in silent could be in could be fully enjoying what God has prepared for you! The bible says worship is much more than singing...forever! It also says, Jesus has been preparing a place for us since before the beginning of time! Now imagine the best place you've ever been... Maui...Half-Dome... Grand Canyon...Paris...the unspoiled wilds of Africa...the Great Wall of China. Now imagine a place far more grand...far more amazing...far more mind blowing! Don't you think God can create better than we do? And if God is gonna top the natural wonders we already have...then wow, that's gonna be incredible! I think that's why any prophet in the bible who had visions of heaven had such a hard time describing it... it's beyond indescribable! The bible says, at the end of time as we know it, God will create a NEW heaven & a NEW earth. This is what Jesus is speaking of...this is what is being prepared for those that love Him. Talk about a resurrection! A perfect heaven & earth...paradise for real...The Kingdom we were created for! That is what is coming our way! That is what we are being prepared for. That is what God has waiting for us! Will we be singing...oh ya, no doubt...will we be running around amazed & thanking God every step of the bet! That's the heart of worship that will possess us. Not a boring ol' 10,000 year church service. Face it a week in Maui beats "church" hands down! But this ain't "church" as we do it...this is God's people, who are the church, enjoying Him & all He has created for them! Fast forward with me. Think about more sin, no more death, no more tears, no more unfairness, no more disease, no more broken relationships...just you & me with God in a NEW heaven and a NEW earth...and we even get NEW bodies, the bible says. Beaches beyond your wildest imagination. Majestic mountains that will take your breath away. Plants & animals that will cause you to wonder, with amazing curiosity, as you explore them for eternity. Rivers...valleys...deserts... plains...far more beautiful than you could ever dream up...and its all yours...forever! Wow, I don't know about you, but that's something to get excited about...and that's something I want to tell others about too! Most haven't heard this part of the story...the best part...the "what God has been preparing for you" part! At ECHO, we look forward to what God has been preparing and hope to share this "good news", this "opportunity" with as many people as possible! The journey is exciting but the destination is out of this world...literally!

be God's!
Brian O
Lead Pastor dude, ECHO

Friday, April 10, 2009

Beautiful Nightmare

Good Friday? It's an odd term...seems inappropriate some how, doesn't it? Historically the church has called the Friday before Easter, Good Friday...the day we remember Jesus crucified. For those who have seen or heard about The Passion of the Christ, the term good seems way out of line. The horrific images of torture & brutality chill any human to the bone, regardless of their religious persuasion. The whipping, the mocking, the blood thirsty crowd seem far from "good". When you picture a man bleeding to death after being whipped one lash short of death, and then that man who can barely walk, is now being asked to carry the heavy wooden cross that would become his "electric chair" all seems grossly inhumane. When metal stakes are driven through the man's feet & hands to attach Him to this cross...and then its hoisted straight up into the air where He hangs, bleeding to death, for all the world to can't help but think "this is the furthest thing from a 'good friday' I've ever seen". Yet as this innocent man can't help but think, "Why?" Three days later we discover why...when Jesus proves He is God and demonstrates His power over sin AND death by rising from the dead in victory! Suddenly, this nightmare of a Friday becomes incredibly beautiful. Out of this death God brings life. Out of this tragedy, God brings celebration. Out of this ugliness, God brings beauty. Out of this hatred, God brings love. Out of this brokenness, God brings healing. Out of this harsh rejection, God brings restoration of relationship. Whoa, now that is "good!". God is so creative, so mysterious, so amazing...that even the horrible can be celebrated as beautiful! Perhaps this is God's way of telling us not to give up. Perhaps this is God's way of illustrating that there is always hope in Him. Maybe, just maybe, God is trying to dramatically show us that no matter how messed up, broken, dysfunctional, whacked out and painful life Him True Life lives on! We see it all around parables if you will...isn't it amazing how many plants have to die, in order to give up their seeds, to bring new life! Isn't it amazing to think of the painful, bloody trauma of giving birth...which births forth one of the most incredible blessings a person can experience, this side of heaven! Holding a new born leaves even the hardest heart in awe! Water needs to dry up and evaporate in order to gather in the clouds to be taken to dry land to rain down life on some prairie somewhere. The knob cone pine tree here in the Pacific Northwest, needs forest fires in order for there to be enough heat to cause its pine cones to burst its seeds can be released! Amazing! Without forest fires, knob cone pine trees could not flourish! How odd is that? How beyond my thinking is that? How creative is that? The fact of Resurrection is seen throughout our world in many places...they are God reminders, I do believe. At ECHO we love to celebrate the biggest God reminder of them is called Easter weekend... where an ugly Friday filled with the worst humanity can offer... becomes a Good Friday! In fact, "good" seems like an understatement now...perhaps it should be "Stupendous Friday", "Incredible Friday", "Fantastic Friday" or "Amazing Friday". Just think, the very death that Satan thought would stop Jesus plan, actually ensured its success. It's good to know God is always one step ahead, eh? Remember, without Friday...there would be no Resurrection on Sunday...there would be no victory over sin & death...there would be no Easter!

be God's!
Brian O
Lead Pastor dude, ECHO

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Shine On

Last month, ECHO broke through the 5,000 hits barrier on our blog site. It is so cool to hear from people from all around the United States and Canada knowing we have impact beyond the Eugene/Springfield region. We have had people contact us from Australia, South America and Europe...even Asia...South Korea specifically! How cool is that! What a privilege to be in dialogue with people from all over the world...some believers...some spiritually searching...some pastors with similar passions...some church leaders with differing viewpoints...some of different faiths...some with no faith at all...some artists...some poets... some musicians...but in the end, it's all good, as long as God is orchestrating it! In that we can have confidence. Along the way, we often get comments about ECHO and what we do...or don't do...and about our blog posts etc... We have some well meaning folks who have read their bible's, just enough, to "be dangerous", so to speak. I've been asked, "Doesn't the bible say that 'your right hand should not know what your left hand is doing'? I keep my giving anonymous... and so should you." Those type of "concerns" rise up when we post blog entry's like the previous one, "Looking Back-Moving Forward", which encompasses another entry from last year entitled, "Walk of Love". These entries speak of ECHO's efforts to relationally give and serve others, as Jesus taught. What some don't like, is that we actually "say" what we do and what we did. Usually that discomfort, is based on the "right hand-left hand" type of hyper-humility theology. (wouldn't being overly concerned about being humble...kind of be like...self campaigning for the 'humblest man of the year award'...feels weird don't it? But I digress...) Some actually believe you should never...ever...let anyone know what you have done or are doing...lest you lose "your blessing" somehow... because of your lack of humility. First, it should be noted, that "if" your motive to give financially, emotionally, in your time or abilities etc... is to be "blessed"...then you have missed the point entirely. Jesus taught us to do these things out of "love" for others, motivated by God's love in us...not for some self serving attainment of blessing for ourselves. Though the giver is often blessed as much (or more) than the recipient, that is not "why" we do it. Secondly, the bible verse about the "right hand-left hand" is vastly misunderstood...and mis-taught. Obviously, this verse is exaggeration to make a point. Clearly it is impossible for your "right hand" to not know what your "left hand" is doing. So it is an obvious exaggeration to make a point. This is a common literary tool used in the bible. The issue, is not about the "knowing"...but it is actually addressing the issue of "pride...ego...self centered-ness". It is a verse that is boldly trying to illustrate the point, not to make your giving "about you". If, as some assert, it is about "hyper humility" where no one ever knows what you do...then why does Jesus perform so many miracles in front of crowds? Why did the apostles do the miraculous in front of thousands? Why would the bible say, "let your light shine before men, so that they can see your good works, and glorify your Father in heaven." Do you see the inconsistency in what the bible says and demonstrates and what the "hyper-humility theology" folks think (that no one should know...ever)? In fact, the book of Acts says that people "saw how much they loved..." and were drawn to them. Clearly, people saw that same kind of love in Jesus also...and many followed Him because of it. The key is, are you doing it as a show for your ego, so people will glorify "you" or to demonstrate God's love in that people "will glorify your Father in heaven." Maybe this world needs to "see more" of Jesus followers loving others openly? Maybe a hindrance to people being "attracted" is that they don't "see God's love in us", so they assume it's not real? That is why ECHO loves people in real and tangible ways...publicly and privately. We are not some huge group...we are a small bunch still learning how to experience and express God's love...not in "theory"...but in "actual expressions of love". That is why ECHO speaks of what God has allowed us to that people may see "our good works, and glorify our Father in heaven." As Mother Theresa said, "love others always...and use words when necessary." For most people, the only expression of God loving them...may be you. At ECHO we see that as a scripture declares bluntly..."if you love Me, you will DO as I have taught you". Jesus said, "If I am lifted up, then all men will be drawn to Me." That is our call...that is our command...that is what we have been taught to publicly and openly, so that people may see a glimpse of the God who is crazy in love with them!

April 2008, ECHO began meeting, giving and serving together... weekly. During that time, we have tried to "let our light shine" we learn to experience God's love and to express it through our lives to are some ways we have done that this past year:

-delivering a pizza to the home of a sick mom, so she doesn't have to make dinner for her family that night
-filled the cupboards with groceries for a single mom with 4 kids
-spending a Saturday at a families home sprucing up their yard...mowing the lawns...trimming the hedges and trees...pulling weeds...planting flowers...bringing in new bark o mulch...and taking over 1/2 a ton of stuff to the dump. This was done for a young lady with 3 young children who suddenly lost her husband a few months prior, to a medical complication. The yard probably was his responsibility each Spring...this year it was ours.
-filled up the gas tank of an out of work, single mom's mini-van
-raising some funds for a family with a mom/wife in the midst of chemo for breast cancer, to help offset the expense of losing one income for several months
-handed out blankets, gloves, & socks to the homeless during the winter time
-helping a single mom with 4 kids, who is recovering from serious brain surgery, get a bunch of groceries to stock up her shelves. While also getting a chance to be loved on by a few other women who care, letting her know she's not alone in the midst of her struggle.
-gave a family some gas money to help ease the financial pressures on their much needed vacation
-took a woman out to buy some clothes for job interviews to help build her confidence as she pursues employment opportunities
-stocked up cupboards with groceries for a newly single mom with 3 kids
-renting a moving truck for a local worship leader, who had lost his job at his church, so his family could move to a different part of the state
-providing a week's worth of prepared meals for a family dealing with the death of a parent

-helping a separated couple on the edge of divorce get to a "marriage intensive" therapy session, in another state, at one of the best places in the country, in the hope it may aim them in the right direction and equip them a bit to better to deal with life's challenges in their relationship and family
-sent thank you cards and some money to some area churches struggling financially, with some words of encouragement to them & their pastors efforts to expand the Kingdom of God
-someone having a BBQ for 20+ homeless people at Alton Baker Park one Sunday
-sent some money to a new church plant starting out of another church in town

Though, this is not every way we have "let our light shine"...but they are some examples...some small...some large...but examples I am proud to share. Not proud to in "prideful"...but proud that a group of everyday people who call themselves ECHO...did extra-ordinary things, birthed in the love of God in their hope that in shining God's love on some folks...that they may see those good works as expressions of God's heart toward them...and in that glorify their Father in heaven, as they are drawn towards Him. Sometimes love is expressed financially, sometimes by coming alongside in work and time, sometimes in comfort and compassion, sometimes in prayer, sometimes in laughter and sometimes in tears. That's a love ECHO is proud to pass shine on! Pray for us as we continue to learn this kind of action!

be God's!
Brian O
Lead Pastor dude, ECHO

Looking Back-Moving Forward

This blog entry is an adaptation of an ECHO post from last year entitled, "Walk of Love", it seems rather appropriate for us to consider it and be reminded of it again...

People often email us at ECHO or ask me in person a similar question, "How does ECHO love others? Give me an example?" Well that's a valid question...and rather nebulous at times...but worth answering none-the-less. At ECHO we choose to intentionally live out a "relational" approach in all we do. God desires a genuine relationship with us, and He's asked us to walk with each other on our journey of life, in authentic loving relationships as well. Now by "relational" we're not talking about a surfacey "hi...bye" type of thing. We're not talking about a smile & a pat on the back and an "I'll pray for ya..." We're not talking about a "let's have coffee" relationship. The bible makes it clear, that what God intends His people to do, is to live a life that is shared with others, sacrificially. The bible commands us to "love others as much as we love ourselves". That's a whole lotta love! That's not just a "love others-pretty good-most of the time-when I feel like it-kind of love"'s a love for others...have concern for others...take action for others...protect you do for "yourself"!!! We are to serve others...both believers and those still searching. We are to "do life" with those inside & outside the church walls. It's a doing life with people even through the messiness of people's lives. It's a loving people even when they are covered in their own crap, so to speak. It's a loving the unlovely, type of relationship. At ECHO we do that most intentionally in trying to "be" who God asks us to "be". We take Jesus' teachings on taking care of orphans & widows for real. We take Jesus' teachings on mourning with those who mourn seriously. We take Jesus' teachings to heart, that we are to comfort one another...sacrifice for one another...serve the downtrodden... bring hope to the the alone ones...bring compassion to the hurting...point the guilt ridden towards mercy. These things are best done in the context of relationship...person to God orchestrates. As someone recently reminded me, "in God's Kingdom relationships are not an accident". With this attitude & spirit we also serve people relationally each month with a portion of our monthly offerings. We call it our monthly "community love gifts". These "love gifts" are a constant reminder of why we are here as a church, to serve the people of our community, motivated by the love of God. These tangible expressions of God's love are where we get to come along side and encourage, meet a need, or simply love on people by serving them. It can be as simple as delivering a pizza to the home of a sick mom, so she doesn't have to make dinner for her family that night. It may be providing a week's worth of prepared meals for a family dealing with the death of a parent. It may be raising some funds for a family with a mom/wife in the midst of chemo for breast cancer, to help offset the expense of losing one income for several months. It may be helping a separated couple on the edge of divorce get to a "marriage intensive" therapy session, in another state, at one of the best places in the country, in the hope it may aim them in the right direction and equip them a bit to better to deal with life's challenges in their relationship and family. It may be helping a single mom with 4 kids, who is recovering from serious brain surgery, get a bunch of groceries to stock up her shelves. While also getting a chance to be loved on by a few other women who care, letting her know she's not alone in the midst of her struggle. It may be spending a Saturday at a families home sprucing up their yard...mowing the lawns...trimming the hedges and trees...pulling weeds...planting flowers...bringing in new bark o mulch...and taking over 1/2 a ton of stuff to the dump. This, in fact, was done for a young lady with 3 young children who suddenly lost her husband a few months ago to a medical complication. The yard probably was his responsibility each Spring...this year it was ours. Or perhaps, it may look like a man having a BBQ for 20+ homeless people at Alton Baker Park one Sunday. All this cost money, as relationships that matter often do, they cost... emotion...prayer. But God always seems to show up when we show up. Funny how He chooses to use people like you & me, isn't it? "Love others as you love yourself" in action... or at least at ECHO we're trying to let Him teach us what that really means. We don't share these things here to brag, but to show by example how easy it can be to "love others". It's pretty simple really, as God has intended all's religion that makes things complicated and hard to live out. That's why Jesus hates religion and embraces relationship instead. All these may seem like "doing" things...but they really flow out of who we are...who God wants us to "be". They really are an "out flow" of our relationship with Him. He wants us to become people who journey with people, walk with them, in a spirit of authentic love, care & know, Jesus like stuff. At ECHO we recognize the need for our community to see more of this "Jesus likeness" in the people who call Jesus Lord. Far too often the church can seem self serving...pre-occupied with other things...even turning a blind eye to the multiple needs around us every day. Yet we don't see that in Jesus do we? He met the needs of those He was near and those He came in contact with. At ECHO we also try to meet the needs we come in contact with, within our spheres of work, in our neighborhood, friends, family, at school etc... We call it relational giving. We don't just write checks to various agency's (though that can be a valid thing). We choose to give relationally, so that after the need is met, the relationship can continue, the conversations can live on, the people involved have continued reinforcement that God loves them & so do we! You see all the examples shared in this post were through relationships at ECHO, but none of those we served were "technically part of ECHO". Some were from other churches in town, others don't go to church at all...the point is, we loved & encouraged them cause God asked us to through someone connected with ECHO, and that's enough for us. Every month we gather the needs we hear of, pray about what we may be able to do, and take a percentage of our monthly offerings to pay for any costs involved. We may not be able to meet every need...but our heart wants to. We believe God's heart wants to as well. God is giving us bigger hearts, as we see the needs around us.
To be honest, this is one of the funnest things we do at ECHO...loving people...spending time, energy & money on God directs. It's pretty cool...and quite an adventure! We're discovering it's easy to say "God loves you" or to say "you love people"...but it's quite another thing to "show" people God loves them... through you...that is much requires more of us, doesn't it?! The more we invest of ourselves, personally...the more God seems to do "in us"...and "in those we reach out to". In that discovery, we are confident, the ECHO of God's love lives us and through us...

be God's!
Brian O
Lead Pastor dude, ECHO