Monday, June 23, 2008


I was in the shower the other day...I know that seems like an unnecessary detail and perhaps a bit creepy to consider but... after working in the yard all day with my family, mowing lawns, ripping out old fences, digging holes and hauling a bunch of crap off to the seems refreshing to mention 'I was in the shower'. Anyway, as I was 'refreshing' (ya now that sounds better don't it?) I began to consider what the bible calls the "fruit" of the Spirit. It's aspects and characteristics are listed in Galatians 5:22 and 23; "love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." As I ponder these characteristics, I thought, "wow, those are attractive qualities to find in someone". Then I began to honestly look at most who call themselves Christian and asked, "Are we known for those qualities?" Ouch. Then I looked at myself...ugggghhh, double ouch!! Like a freind of mine said recently, "I'm trying to be a Christian". I think I like that, it sounds more like a process...a journey...a desire...even though I haven't got it all figured out yet. Ya, I got some growing to 'bout you? You see, the fruit of the Spirit is what grows in us and through us, as we grow more and more like God and His love is evident in us. Unlike the gifts of the Spirit, the fruit is nurtured and can be developed in us. Spiritual gifts are given by God, our only choice is to accept them or not, like any gift in the natural, like a birthday gift, for example. But the fruit of the Spirit can be nurtured, fertilized, watered, cared for and intentionally grown in our lives. Yes the source is God, His love birthed in us, but these characteristics are the out-flow of His love in us to others. You see the fruit, the characteristics listed in Galatians are best expressed relationally, one person to another. Oh you can be at peace all by yourself. But what has a greater impact is when others see and experience the peace you have. It's interesting as you look at each characteristic of the fruit of the Spirit, how they all are best experienced and expressed in relationship with others. I think that's by God's design. He is relational by nature, and desires us to be also. As we love Him with all we got, His love grows in us and flows out to others...often evidenced in these very characteristics...these fruit. Fruit that is attractive, draws people and is tasty to experience. It has an impact on others, which is what God has always designed His love to do! When we look at some of these, we often miss, or even don't know what they are. For example, God's peace, is not an absence of conflict as we often think peace should be...its the ability to have peace in the midst of turmoil & chaos. That peace that surpasses all understanding! Now that's attractive. That's noticeable to others. That's something we all desire, and know it when we see it. In a world that does not see Jesus followers walking in very many of these qualities, is it any wonder they are not attracted? But if...if we did allow God to grow these aspects of His love in us...if we could seek to develop these things...if we intentionally desired to live a life that oozes these you think people may be drawn towards the Jesus in us? You bet...that's when, as in the book of Acts, people say stuff like..."we can see how much you love..." God pours out some incredible things by His Spirit as we walk in the fruit of that same Spirit; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. In fact, many believers seek after miracles and powerful demonstrations of the gifts of the Spirit, in hopes that it will spark some revival in them and the community they in...yet history tells us a different story. Throughout history, authentic spiritual revivals or awakenings, were not centered in miracles & powerful gifts was centered in a deep pursuit of God's best and an exponential growth in the manifestations of the "fruit" of God's Spirit in those that follow Him. It was the fruit of God's Spirit that drew people...touched people...changed people...and fanned the flames of what God was doing. It's a lesson we often forget. I suppose it seems "more God like" for the "big show"...the big miracle...but for whatever reason God more often uses imperfect people like you & relationship. Now that's takes more of me. More of me in cooperation with God. It takes more of me to invest in another. Yet somehow, someway, God uses it and when he, we get blessed...and so does the one we reach out to! At ECHO we want to be "tasty" people. We desire to be people that folks go, "what's up with you guys, you're different?" We want to be refreshingly different...on purpose! Join us as we grow in God's love personally and in expressing it authentically to others!

May God's love be yours & flow through you to others!
Brian O
Lead Pastor dude, ECHO

Saturday, June 21, 2008

You Asked For It, You Got It

I've had several people request the lyric to the Steve Taylor song referenced in the last blog entry, so you asked for it, you got it...

Jesus Is For Losers

If I was driven
Driven ahead by some noble ideal
Who took the wheel?

If I was given
Given a glimpse of some glorious road
When was it sold?

So caught up in the chase
I keep forgetting my place

Just as I am
I am stiff-necked and proud
Jesus is for losers
Why do I still play to the crowd?

Just as I am
Pass the compass, please
Jesus is for losers
I'm off about a hundred degrees

If I was groping
Groping around for some ladder to fame
I am ashamed

If I was hoping
Hoping respect would make a sturdy footstool
I am a fool

Bone-weary every climb
Blindsided every time

Just as I am
I am needy and dry
Jesus is for losers
The self-made need not apply

Just as I am
In a desert crawl
Lord, I'm so thirsty
Take me to the waterfall

And if you're certain
Certain your life is some cosmic mistake
Why do you shake?

And if you're certain
Certain that faith is some know-nothing mask
Why do you still ask?

They don't grade here on the curve
We both know what we deserve

Just as you are
Just a wretch like me
Jesus is for losers
Grace from the blood of a tree

Just as we are
At a total loss
Jesus is for losers
Broken at the foot of the cross

Just as I am
Pass the compass, please
Jesus is for losers
I'm off about a hundred degrees

Just as I am
In a desert crawl
Lord, I'm so thirsty
Take me to the waterfall
lyrics by Steve Taylor

be God's!
Brian O
Lead Pastor dude, ECHO

Friday, June 13, 2008

Jesus Is For Losers

I had a couple interesting conversations lately. More than once in the past few weeks I've sat with pastors and church leaders and had them say something along the lines of, "...the key to a successful church is, you need to spend less time with the 1's and 2's and spend more time investing in the 8's and 9's..." (now in this context they are speaking of a 0 to 10 scale, where the best, most skilled, most valuable, most important, most wealthy, most influential are the 10's) My response has been simply, "Where do you see that in scripture?" It's a simple question, one no one had a ready answer for. The CEO mentality of pastoring and church leadership has projected this concept of not wasting time with the "losers" and invest in the "winners" instead, because they can get you somewhere the quickest and easiest. Now I can see the temptation in how that may "seem right", since businesses often run on that principle. Yet regardless of whether that method works in business or not, the point as believers should also be filtered through..."Where do you see that in the bible? Where do you see Jesus model that for us?" The answer is you don't see it. Jesus didn't teach it nor model it for us. In fact He modeled quite the opposite. The 12 men Jesus selected as Apostles were a rag tag bunch, made up of mostly fishermen and farmers, quite common for that time period. Matthew was a tax-collector for the Romans, a dubious job at best in his culture. A very cut throat occupation that was not well respected at all. Simon & Judas' occupations are not readily known, and appear to be inconsequential, though some suspect Judas may have had some money skills since he was the one given the responsibility for the Apostles purse (a responsibility that proved too tempting, to the point of self destruction & betrayal). This motley crue (not the band in the midst of their reunion tour by the way) was used by God (except for Judas) to change the world! In spite of their flaws, insecurities, doubts and fears Jesus delivered a message through them that still is alive and well to this day! Not because they were "8's or 9's", but because they had the right heart, and trusted Jesus enough to follow Him, learn from Him, be shaped by Him and carry out what He asked them to do. In many ways the apostles were losers by today's standards...1's & 2' to speak. Yet in that, I'm reminded of a Steve Taylor song written over 10 years ago entitled, "Jesus Is For Losers". It was a satirical song that reminded us that Jesus wasn't enthralled with the things we're impressed with. Jesus didn't chase after the wealthy...the influential...the talented. He invested in the "losers"...the whores...the lepers...the outcasts...the poor...even women & children (which in His day was a big deal). Jesus died for losers. He died for those on top of the hill also. He gave Himself for everyone. The question here is, not who Jesus pursues, but who do we? Who, do we as churches, pastors, & leaders pursue and what's the result? Who do we as believers "choose" to invest in and is it consistent with what Jesus taught? If we are honest, we all are losers underneath the veneer of ego, pride, selfishness and our thirst for power. Reinforcing this, I was reminded twice in the last 2 weeks of a similar concept, one I found in 1 Samuel, chapter 22. On May 28th at a cool Eugene-like coffee house in Austin, Texas called Progressive...God drew me to this portion of scripture. In it God describes the 400 men who would team up with David (eventually to be King David). These 400 men would go down in history as "David's Mighty Men"...known for incredible exploits for God. But this passage describes them as they began to gather as the 400...before anything had been done yet. They were described as "in debt, in distress & discontented". This hardly sounds like a bunch that would do mighty things. This hardly sounds like a group most churches would pursue, or seminary's would teach to attract, or "church growth people" would encourage you to embrace as world changers. Yet in God's hands, they did mighty things! I felt God encouraging me that day regarding ECHO, saying this is who ECHO will be built on..."the in debt, in distress & discontented"...don't seek after the elite. And you know, in many ways that is who God has brought and is bringing to ECHO. In fact just a few days ago I met with a local pastor and was describing the people who are being drawn into ECHO...and he said, "sounds like David's 400...the in debt, in distress &...I forgot the other "d" word..." At that moment I felt I was in the midst of a "God thing"...cause I knew I never told him of my scripture in 1 Samuel at the coffee shop in Austin a few weeks prior. I blurted out "...the disillusioned...". He said, "ya that's it...the disillusioned...that sounds like who God is bringing to you...and look what God did with those guys" Wow, God is cool...He reminded me even further that He doesn't require the talented, the beautiful, the wealthy, and the status people to accomplish His purposes. Even though our western church culture tends to project you need to be an exceptional orator, a talented musician, a seminary degreed, beautiful person with perfect smile, hairstyle, weight & snappy clothes...yet God shows us something very different. Is it any wonder why so many are spectators in our churches? How few fit the criteria we model? Yet God's criteria is very different, it begins with a heart that's willing to use what you got to impact people for God's purposes...everybody has a place...everyone is eligible...everyone has an opportunity! Jesus criteria says the "last shall be first"..."blessed are those who mourn"..."it is hard for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom"..."it takes the faith of a child to become part of the Kingdom"...and "the servant is the greatest in the Kingdom of God". Clearly His ways are not our aligning with His ways is our challenge. When in fact, it's a greater miracle when He uses people like you & me...regular folks...even losers, if you will...people who don't have their act together...then you know it's God doing something, cause it surely ain't us! There's nothing we can take credit for in that, and that's a good's just us depending on Him. Isn't that the way God has always meant it to be?

be God's!
Brian O
Lead Pastor dude, ECHO

Monday, June 9, 2008

The Walk of Love

People often email us at ECHO or ask me in person a similar question, "How does ECHO love others? Give me an example?" Well that's a valid question...and rather nebulous at times...but worth answering none-the-less. At ECHO we choose to intentionally live out a "relational" approach in all we do. God desires a genuine relationship with us, and He's asked us to walk with each other on our journey of life, in authentic loving relationships as well. Now by "relational" we're not talking about a surfacey "hi...bye" type of thing. We're not talking about a smile & a pat on the back and an "I'll pray for ya..." We're not talking about a "let's have coffee" relationship. The bible makes it clear, that what God intends His people to do, is to live a life that is shared with others, sacrificially. We are to serve others...both believers and those still searching. We are to "do life" with those inside & outside the church walls. It's a doing life with people even through the messiness of people's lives. It's a loving people even when they are covered in their own crap, so to speak. It's a loving the unlovely, type of relationship. At ECHO we do that most intentionally in trying to "be" who God asks us to "be". We take Jesus' teachings on taking care of orphans & widows for real. We take Jesus' teachings on mourning with those who mourn seriously. We take Jesus' teachings to heart, that we are to comfort one another...sacrifice for one another...serve the downtrodden...bring hope to the the alone ones...bring compassion to the hurting...point the guilt ridden towards mercy. These things are best done in the context of relationship...person to God orchestrates. As someone recently reminded me, "in God's Kingdom relationships are not an accident". With this attitude & spirit we also serve people relationally each month with a portion of our monthly offerings. We call it our monthly "community love gifts". These "love gifts" are a constant reminder of why we are here as a church, to serve the people of our community, motivated by the love of God. These tangible expressions of God's love are where we get to come along side and encourage, meet a need, or simply love on people by serving them. It can be as simple as delivering a pizza to the home of a sick mom, so she doesn't have to make dinner for her family that night. It may be providing a week's worth of prepared meals for a family dealing with the death of a parent. It may be raising some funds for a family with a mom/wife in the midst of chemo for breast cancer, to help offset the expense of losing one income for several months. It may be helping a separated couple on the edge of divorce get to a "marriage intensive" therapy session, in another state, at one of the best places in the country, to help bring hope back into their marriage and equip them a bit to better to deal with life's challenges in their relationship and family. It may be helping a single mom with 4 kids, who is recovering from serious brain surgery, get a bunch of groceries to stock up her shelves. While also getting a chance to be loved on by a few other women who care, letting her know she's not alone in the midst of her struggle. It may be spending a Saturday at a families home sprucing up their yard...mowing the lawns...trimming the hedges and trees...pulling weeds...planting flowers...bringing in new bark o mulch...and taking over 1/2 a ton of stuff to the dump. This, in fact, was done for a young lady with 3 young children who suddenly lost her husband a few months ago to a medical complication. The yard probably was his responsibility each Spring...this year it was ours. Or perhaps, it may look like a man having a BBQ for 20+ homeless people at Alton Baker Park one Sunday...this Sunday in fact! All this cost money, as relationships that matter often do, they cost... emotion...prayer. But God always seems to show up when we show up. Funny how He chooses to use people like you & me, isn't it? "Love others as you love yourself" in action...or at least at ECHO we're trying to let Him teach us what that really means. We don't share these things here to brag, but to show by example how easy it can be to "love others". It's pretty simple really, as God has intended all's religion that makes things complicated and hard to live out. That's why Jesus hates religion and embraces relationship instead. All these may seem like "doing" things...but they really flow out of who we are...who God wants us to "be". They really are an "out flow" of our relationship with Him. He wants us to become people who journey with people, walk with them, in a spirit of authentic love, care & know, Jesus like stuff. At ECHO we recognize the need for our community to see more of this "Jesus likeness" in the people who call Jesus Lord. Far too often the church can seem self serving...pre-occupied with other things...even turning a blind eye to the multiple needs around us every day. Yet we don't see that in Jesus do we? He met the needs of those He was near and those He came in contact with. At ECHO we also try to meet the needs we come in contact with, within our spheres of work, in our neighborhood, friends, family, at school etc... We call it relational giving. We don't just write checks to various agency's (though that can be a valid thing). We choose to give relationally, so that after the need is met, the relationship can continue, the conversations can live on, the people involved have continued reinforcement that God loves them & so do we! You see all the examples shared in this post were through relationships at ECHO, but none of those we served were "technically part of ECHO". Some were from other churches in town, others don't go to church at all...the point is, we loved & encouraged them cause God asked us to through someone connected with ECHO, and that's enough for us. Every month we gather the needs we hear of, pray about what we may be able to do, and take a percentage of our monthly offerings to pay for any costs involved. We may not be able to meet every need...but our heart wants to. We believe God's heart wants to as well. God is giving us bigger hearts, as we see the needs around us. To be honest, this is one of the funnest things we do at ECHO...loving people...spending time, energy & money on God directs. It's pretty cool...and quite an adventure! We're discovering it's easy to say "God loves you" or to say "you love people"...but it's quite another thing to show people God loves them... through you! In that discovery, we are confident, the ECHO of God's love lives on, through us...

be God's!
Brian O
Lead Pastor dude, ECHO