Thursday, December 29, 2011

Talking With God

Prayer is really just talking with God. Whether it is done within the heart silently, or out loud, or in written word, it is quite simply, communicating what's on your mind with the God who loves you enough to listen. At ECHO we realize prayer is quite powerful, yet mysterious. If God knows our hearts, our motives, and why we do what we do...then why tell Him about it? If God knows our past, present & future...then why hash it out with Him? These are legitimate questions...but I believe they are answered in God's motivation for "relationship". We often make it some kind of mystical, intimidating, boring exercise of faith...but it really is more practical and essential than we make it. You see, for example, I often know what my kids have on their minds, or want to ask me for...but I usually wait for them to speak it, whenever they are that the time may be right...and it may be an opportunity of trust in conversation that is another building block in our ongoing relationship. With every question they ask me, or every concern they share with me, or every dream they are brave enough to tell me...I love them even more. It is extra glue to our relationship...I see their soul a bit...I enter their world a bit...and it is so cool that they invite me into it as well. I think that is how God feels towards us. As we ask the questions...lay out our concerns...pray through our dreams...His heart is moved towards us...and our hearts are moved trustingly towards Him...and that's a good thing. I don't know how all this prayer thing works...but I know it moves my heart towards that's gotta be good. I don't always get the answer I want, but it takes more of me to trust...when the answer is a "no"...than when it's a "yes". I suppose I deepen my relationship more in those times...rather than a "Sugar Daddy god" or a "Parachute god"...I find a loving Father, who knows whats best...and often whats best is "wait"...or even a "no". If I can trust Him in those prayer moments...then I know my relationship is deepening...and I will grow. If the truth be said..."Faith is trusting God even when it doesn't make sense."

I read this recently, it's some thoughts on talking to God by Carolyn Arends, and I thought how much we all might relate, she writes: "I have prayed many types of prayers throughout my life, but my haphazard list of prayers is quite different from most. I have been a specialist in the "Let's Make a Deal" school of prayer: if you will only let me pass this test (for which I have not read the textbook), then I will spend the rest of my life earnestly studying in a convent somewhere. My years of frequent travel have also honed my "Turbulence Prayers." Typically whispered on airplanes that appear destined to crash, these prayers focus on achieving "meet my Maker readiness: God, if there's anything not right between us, I confess it now. I can also claim extensive experience with "Futility Prayers", prayers that seldom work, but are prayed passionately anyway. Please make my newborn sleep through the night, is one Futility Prayer. Another is: please don't let me throw up!

However theologically incorrect my prayers may be, I have discovered that whatever is in my heart must either be prayed out or left to fester. And so I dare to utter my petty, self-interested requests, trusting--praying--that the Holy Spirit will intercede on my behalf with groans my words (or lack thereof) cannot express, translating my impetuous, childish gibberish into communion with God.

When I read that if I ask God for bread, He will not give me a stone, I realize that He not only desires to give me what I need, but he also wants me to come to Him and ask for it. This to me is the greatest miracle, the deeper mystery--the God of the Universe wants me to speak with Him. Heaven knows I am not a great conversationalist--I talk too much, listen too little--but He desires my company anyway.

There is so much I want to learn about prayer. Can our requests change the course of history? Can we change the mind and will of God? Are the hand of fate and the hand of God locked in some sort of wrestling match that hinges on our prayers? I have received certain and dramatic answers to some of my prayers. To others I have been able to perceive nothing but the deafening roar of silence. In some cases I have eventually discovered why my prayers were answered with a "no" or a "not yet." In many others I remain bewildered. But I will study the Scriptures and I will wait on the Lord and I am hopeful that more will be revealed, as I learn to trust Him. Regardless, I will pray, because He asks me to, and understanding usually follows obedience, and because my life would not be worth living if I could not cry out to the God who gave it to me!

However uncertain I am about the way prayer changes the unfolding of events, I have been shown clearly that prayer changes me! When I begin to pray for an enemy, my heart like a fist clenched in anger, I am opened up until I can no longer hold the resentment and frustration. When I plead..."Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner", I travel a little deeper into the mercy of God. When I confess..."I believe, yet help my unbelief," my faith is made a little stronger.
And so I pray. Whether I am praying from a surrendered or stubborn heart, I speak with the God of Creation. I am ushered, sometimes reverent, sometimes willful, never worthy...into His presence. When the language is beyond me, it is spoken on my behalf. I pray for the wisdom to learn about prayer, and for the courage to pray the prayers that will change me..."

be God's!
Brian O
Lead Pastor dude
Friends Community Church
Tyler, Texas

Sunday, December 25, 2011


In a world where we all crave to "belong", we try so hard to find "our spot". Some people take on the persona of those they want to be accepted by...others change their clothing style, haircuts, the way they talk, the music they listen to, even the food they eat...just to "fit in." In our vain attempts to find "our place", we often become less of who we really are, so that others will accept us...ironic isn't it? Perhaps that is why one of the coolest messages that Christmas screams to us is that "you belong!" God loved us enough that He reached down to each of us, through His Son Jesus, to let us know personally that we are invited. He could have sat up in His heavenlies, kickin back on His throne, watching us peons try to figure this thing out...and maybe, just maybe some of us may "do good enough" to make it into His presence. But instead, He came to earth as one of us, to show us the way. A personal invitation, if you will. In the flesh, He humbled Himself, not only in teaching us personally about the Kingdom of God...but He also made a way for everyone to get there! The bible says "there is no greater love than this, that a person lay down His life for another". Think about it...God sacrificed that we can be with Him...because we belong. We were designed by God to spend eternity in relationship with Him. In His great love He layed down His life in the flesh and died, paying the price for each of us. The bible says, "the wages of sin is death"...and Jesus made sure we didn't have to pay that price! God chose to submit to His own penalty, on our behalf, because we belong with Him...not apart from Him. Now the only choice for each of us you trust enough to enter into a relationship with the God who loves you and has made a way. The key to belonging is being willing to belong. The key to finding your place is trusting the One who knows the way. We each have that choice, to take our rightful place... because of Jesus. And that wonderful truth...the fantastic story of the baby in a where it all begins. And that is worth celebrating! For the bible also says, "that God wills that no one should perish, but would have eternal life". So God's heart is evident in His words and His actions...that we all belong! We belong in eternal relationship with the One who is Love. We belong eternally in a place where there is no more sin, pain, tears or brokenness. We belong at the table...we belong to the family...we have a place. As a hand fits perfectly into the sand, so you fit perfectly in your place that God has prepared for you, in His Kingdom. At Friends, we hope to create an environment that makes room for everyone...because you "belong." That's God's heart...and it should be ours as well. This isn't just a Christmas should be an everyday thing...because you do belong...and we are so glad for that!

Merry Jesus Birthday...where your story begins...

be God's!
Brian O

Lead Pastor dude
Friends Community Church
Tyler, Texas

Thursday, December 8, 2011

If You Wanna Be a Rebel

Talk is cheap

What kind of mess do we have here?

Right is wrong and right just isn't clear

Where's the compassion in people's lives today?

We want to bring them in, but we push them all away

Should we stand for mediocrity?

What do we mean by Christianity?

We throw our words around thinking we're doing great

Love is what we need, it goes against the grain it goes!

Against the grain!

With all we think we know

I would rather go!!!

Against the grain!!!

Some say screaming is all you have to do

But I say that's a lie that I can see right thru

Words mean nothing until you show you care

Look them in the eye, You know there's something there

What kind of mess do we have here?
Wrong is right and right just isn't clear

If you want to be a rebel, well maybe now's the time

To understand the truth and throw down all the lies

And go
Against the grain!!!

words and music by Mike Stand and Ric Alba
"Against the Grain"

be God's!
Lead Pastor dude
Friends Community Church
Tyler, Texas

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Great Full Perspective

Perspective. How often we lose perspective, especially in our culture of media, hype and self centeredness? I often remember an old Veggie Tale video my kids spoke of a "grateful heart"... Madame Blueberry I think it was? I love Veggie Tales. Anything that has talking vegetables & fruit characters with an off-the-wall sense of humor is alright by me. But I digress. The point was perspective and grateful hearts. Especially being Thanksgiving time, it would seem to be an appropriate time for both. You see, even though our economy is rocking, and the market is diving, and jobs are being lost...and for some the threat of losing their homes in foreclosure is real...but for most people its simply being fearful of "what may be". We hear about how bad it is on TV, on the radio and in the it creates this vibe of negativity...pessimism...and fear. Yet, even with all that, its not as bad as we might think. Just over 30 years ago during the Jimmy Carter years unemployment was over 10%...inflation 13.5%...and interest rates were 21.5% on your home! And we had gas you could only buy gas every other day, and the lines were blocks long, type of gas rationing! By comparison, today we have 9.2% unemployment, less than 3% inflation, 5% mortgage rates and gasoline available...every day! The media and politicians all cry "depression", but during the Depression unemployment was 25% (and women didn't work then, so a man loses his job, and the family has zero income). Unemployment didn't get under 10% until 1941 when World War 2 created tons of new jobs. More than half of the United States were living below minimum subsistence levels. There was no food stamps nor unemployment benefits. 40% of all the banks in the country failed! So when we talk of economic problems...and another "depression"... we don't have to look too far to see we're not that bad off today in comparison. Perspective. While we're on the topic of perspective did you know that 2.7 billion people in our world today live on less than $2 a day! That's almost half the world's population living on less than $730 a year...people on unemployment here make more than that in a month! These people in third world countries live lives threatened by a lack of enough calories in their food to be healthy... a lack of clean water to drink without getting life threatening parasites...they lack shelter to protect them...they lack proper clothing to guard them from the elements...they don't even have simple health care to protect them from preventable disease...they don't have learning institutions like schools so they are illiterate...and their life expectancy is a fraction of ours due to these factors and more. Perspective. In the United States 46% of those in "poverty" own their own homes! Their homes "average" just over 1,000 square feet, 3 bedrooms, 1 and a half baths, with a garage. For perspective consider that people in third world countries dream of living in something like our garages! Even our homeless have clean water easily available. Even our homeless have free food, clothes, shelter and medical basics available in the United States. Third World people would see our "homeless" as wealthy people...consider that this Thanksgiving. Most Americans eat more calories in a day, than a person in a third world country may eat in a week. In our country we walk by pennies, as worthless, every day. In many other countries, they'd be thanking God for every one they found! You see perspective gives you a greater sense of gratitude. When you realize the blessings you have...rather than the "wants" you do NOT have...a thankful heart grows within us. In spite of what you may not "have" are far more fortunate than most of the world. At FRIENDS we want to be thankful for what we do have...for the blessing of God's provisions...and be ever mindful of the needs around in Tyler, Texas and the massive needs around the world. Jesus told us the poor would always be with us...but He constantly reminded us to serve the poor...the orphans...and the widows. It was a constant theme of Jesus. I think He emphasized it, not only because these are practical areas to serve those ever present needs in others...but also by constantly reminding us of what we do have, as we serve those without. May our Thanksgiving truly be a time when our grateful hearts cause us to thank God many times over for all He has done for you...and me! And may it motivate us to reach out a hand of love and care, to those with less. With the proper perspective, I think we can.

be God's!
Brian O
Lead Pastor dude
Friends Community Church
Tyler, Texas

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Is It a Trick or a Treat?

My kids are always trying to sneak up on me and scare me. It's really quite funny, because they usually don't. First off the word "boo" isn't inherently when they say it...I kinda know its their voice. I mean, who decided "boo" was scary? And why? I know its supposed to be what ghost say...but really, is that the best a ghost could come up with? Really? Boo, actually sounds like a fun word...a playful word... a silly word. That's why it doesn't scare me. It's no more scary than someone sneaking up behind me and saying "cheese!". OOOOhhh, I just have to laugh. Now in the Fall, we seem to like the playful and scary. Its all a part of the Halloween spirit I suppose. Goofy creatures that make silly sounds like "boo". And we sometimes jump in fear...other times we laugh in shock. Its all meant to be innocent fun, but often lost in the Halloween "fun" is the undercurrent of truth in this occasion. This night of the dead has roots back to the ancient Druid celebration of Samhain. Samhain marked the end of the season of life & light and the beginning of the season of darkness and death. The Druids had their year divided into these two primary seasons. Now it makes sense the Fall, all the leaves drop from the trees and we are about to enter a season where nothing grows...Winter. Everything in nature goes into a hibernation of sorts until the season of life begins in the Spring! But to the Druids it was much more. It was also deeply spiritual. On this night of Samhain, the dead and evil spirits had free rein over the earth to create mischief. Now I'm not taking about stealing pumpkins kind of mischief...we're talking serious curses, pillaging, and killing in retaliation. The Druid priests often would go home to home, farm to farm, and collect "treats" on behalf of the dead & evil spirits...if you failed to comply with their wishes then a "trick" was coming your way. These "treats" weren't just cute little candy treats...but food, children, maybe one of your livestock, whatever they asked for...the "trick" was the penalty if you did not comply. The "trick" may be burning down your barns, killing your horse, or kidnapping one of your family members. This was serious stuff...and we often don't realize it. In fact, the Irish legend of the Jack o' Lantern, tells of a man who sold his soul to the devil, and when he died he was not allowed into heaven. When he went to hell, Satan refused his entry, but gave him a small cinder from the fires of hell. Jack put this cinder in a turnip he had hollowed out, to give him a little light & warmth, to guide him for all eternity. A reject of both heaven & hell. How sad is that story. Yet we celebrate Jack 'o Lanterns, without knowing the cryptic background to such a tradition. Much of what we do at Halloween is like that. Unlike most other holiday occasions, Halloween is not centered in a Christian celebration. Its roots are dark, occultic, and pagan in its spirit. In fact, today, in the pacific northwest, its widely known that occult and witchcraft activity heightens at Halloween. Its considered a high feast, often accompanied with sacrifices and rituals, that are very real and serious in the spirit realm. As followers we should not be ignorant...nor fearful. Jesus is already victorious over any spiritual force, whether real or imagined. But as followers of Jesus we should also live with clear thinking regarding things of this sort. We should not be naive. Especially for our children, we should model whats spiritually healthy. At ECHO, we suggest you steer away from the dark imagery, the death, the evil and those traditions associated with such things. Does that mean we can't dress up and have fun? No, not at all...dress up (if you wish), have fun with family & friends, gather your candy, laugh and enjoy the good. But be aware and wise regarding the dark...the evil... the things that glorify death & deprivation. Those things are not godly and should not be "enjoyed"...they should be "diminished" as much as possible. "For God hasn't given you a spirit of fear...but of power... love...and a sound mind (or clear thinking)". Embrace the innocent fun...and steer away from that which too closely associated with the dark side of this time of year. As followers of Jesus, we at FRIENDS, would hope we would always point people towards the light... the good...the righteous...and help people steer away from the dark...the evil...and death. May you live everyday...even a spirit of hope!
be God's!
Brian O
Lead Pastor dude
Friends Community Church
Tyler, Texas

Thursday, October 6, 2011

What Were Once Vices Are Now Habits

I wonder if perhaps we, the church, the followers of Jesus, have focused on & mis-taught "sin"?  For many, "sin" is some arbitrary rules the Great Guy in the sky has given us, so we'd better stay in line or else. But I would suggest that is very inaccurate, and yet a fairly common way for people to perceive God/sin. I would suggest that since God defines Himself as "Love", then He is, at His core, a relational being. And since 'we' are created in His image, then we too are relational beings. We read in the scripture, the "first" time God said something was "not good", was not sin, BUT that "man should not be alone"...once again suggesting our relational nature. And man was not alone in His relationship with God, man walked and talked with God in the Garden, "yet it was not good that he was alone"...he was in fact without another human. Sin enters the picture after this. Perhaps if we see sin as the outcome or result of "aloneness" we may get a more accurate picture. Sin are the "relationship busters" of our existence, both our relationship with God & with each other. Have you ever noticed that most of the commands focus on how people should treat people? Nothing damages relationships like "lies"..."stealing from each other"..."taking your neighbors wife"...or "envying each others stuff". Maybe when God says He hates sin, what He is really saying is "I hate anything that damages your relationships...both with Me...and with those around you." Maybe God sees sin as those things that damage a relational people deeply. I know, for me personally, you can cut off my arm...or take my stuff...but losing a valued relationship due to death or divorce or bitter argument, is some of the deepest pain we feel as humans. Perhaps a relational God knows this...and it hurts His heart to see His relational people struggle through life with broken relationships.  This is not as it should be. Perhaps since God is relational, He knows this pain all too deeply. Perhaps if we taught "sin" more in this light, people may begin to see a God of Love, who knows and cares for them deeply...and the people around them. In that, Jesus words summing up the commands makes much more sense..."to love God with your whole heart...and to love others as yourself"...which He said, "sums up all the commands".  Perhaps what we have seen simply as 'vices' & 'sins' are actually behaviors, attitudes and habits that short circuit the relationships around us?  And maybe, just maybe, God isn't just arbitrarily laying down the law, to see if we can measure up...but instead, the God of all relationships, who designed us for relationships, is trying to protect and preserve those relationships He made us to enjoy.  Perhaps that picture is more consistent with the God who defines Himself as Love!  At Friends, we hope to express this heart of God...

be God's!
Lead Pastor dude
Friends Community Church
Tyler, Texas

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Tasty...Now That Hits the Spot

I was in the shower the other day...I know that seems like an unnecessary detail and perhaps a bit creepy to consider but... after working in the yard all day with my family, mowing lawns, and hauling a bunch of crap off to dump in the seems refreshing to mention 'I was in the shower'. Anyway, as I was 'refreshing' (ya now that sounds better don't it?) I began to consider what the bible calls the "fruit" of the Spirit. It's aspects and characteristics are listed in Galatians 5:22 and 23; "love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." As I ponder these characteristics, I thought, "wow, those are attractive qualities to find in someone". Then I began to honestly look at most who call themselves Christian and asked, "Are we known for those qualities?" Ouch. Then I looked at myself...ugggghhh, double ouch!! Like a friend of mine said recently, "I'm trying to be a Christian". I think I like that, it sounds more like a process...a journey...a desire...even though I haven't got it all figured out yet. Ya, I got some growing to 'bout you? You see, the fruit of the Spirit is what grows in us and through us, as we grow more and more like God and His love is evident in us. Unlike the gifts of the Spirit, the fruit is nurtured and can be developed in us. Spiritual gifts are given by God, our only choice is to accept them or not, like any gift in the natural, like a birthday gift, for example. But the fruit of the Spirit can be nurtured, fertilized, watered, cared for and intentionally grown in our lives. Yes the source is God, His love birthed in us, but these characteristics are the out-flow of His love in us to others. You see the fruit, the characteristics listed in Galatians are best expressed relationally, one person to another. Oh you can be at peace all by yourself. But what has a greater impact is when others see and experience the peace you have. It's interesting as you look at each characteristic of the fruit of the Spirit, how they all are best experienced and expressed in relationship with others. I think that's by God's design. He is relational by nature, and desires us to be also. As we love Him with all we got, His love grows in us and flows out to others...often evidenced in these very characteristics...these fruit. Fruit that is attractive, draws people and is tasty to experience. It has an impact on others, which is what God has always designed His love to do! When we look at some of these, we often miss, or even don't know what they are. For example, God's peace, is not an absence of conflict as we often think peace should be...its the ability to have peace in the midst of turmoil and chaos. That peace that surpasses all understanding! Now that's attractive. That's noticeable to others. That's something we all desire, and know it when we see it. In a world that does not see Jesus followers walking in very many of these qualities, is it any wonder they are not attracted? But if...if we did allow God to grow these aspects of His love in us...if we could seek to develop these things...if we intentionally desired to live a life that oozes these you think people may be drawn towards the Jesus in us? You bet...that's when, as in the book of Acts, people say stuff like..."we can see how much you love..." God pours out some incredible things by His Spirit as we walk in the fruit of that same Spirit; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. In fact, many believers seek after miracles and powerful demonstrations of the gifts of the Spirit, in hopes that it will spark some revival in them and the community they live in...yet history tells us a different story. Throughout history, authentic spiritual revivals or awakenings, were not centered in miracles and powerful gifts was centered in a deep pursuit of God's best and an exponential growth in the manifestations of the "fruit" of God's Spirit in those that follow Him. It was the fruit of God's Spirit that drew people... touched people...changed people...and fanned the flames of what God was doing. It's a lesson we often forget. I suppose it seems "more God like" for the "big show"...the big miracle...but for whatever reason God more often uses imperfect people like you and relationship. Now that's takes more of me. More of me in cooperation with God. It takes more of me to invest in another. Yet somehow, someway, God uses it and when he, we get blessed...and so does the one we reach out to! At FRIENDS we want to be "tasty" people. We desire to be the kind of people that has folks saying, "what's up with you guys, you're different?" We want to be refreshingly different...on purpose! Join us as we grow in God's love personally and in expressing it authentically to others!

May God's love be yours and flow through you to others!

Brian O
Lead Pastor dude
Friends Community Church
Tyler, Texas

Friday, August 12, 2011

Wired To Connect

They say the human heart has a "void" that we all are trying to fill throughout our life's journey. I think we all realize it at some deep down level within each of us. CS Lewis often alludes to a "God-shaped hole". Augustine points to it in his writings. Blaise Pascal implied it when he stated, “There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of every person, and it can never be filled by any created thing. It can only be filled by God, made known through Jesus Christ.” Philosopher's and theologians alike have often determined that this "void" is never filled with anything but what it was designed to accommodate. The Master Designer in His desire to draw us towards Himself has made each of us with a "hole" that only He can fill. A remarkably ingenius way to allow us humans to crave a knowing of their Creator. It's like a relational magnet within our spirit that draws us. I read an interesting report from the Commission on Children at Risk that seems to validate this very concept and more. Our culture is plagued with what's known as "at risk children". It's not a new fact many "at risk kids" are now grown into adults and are now having their own "at risk children". At risk children are the effects of divorce, broken homes, single parent households, latch key environments, drug abuse, workaholism and various other disintegration factors of the traditional stable family environment. The number one cause of this crisis? The conclusion in this study says that as human beings we have been designed to be "connected". They term it as humans are "hardwired to connect". To quote the study, "In large measure, what's causing this crisis of American childhood is a lack of connectedness. We mean two kinds of connectedness---close connections to other people, and deep connections to moral & spiritual meaning." Jesus stated something very similar when He was asked what the greatest commandment was, He replied, "Love God with your whole heart, whole mind and whole soul. And... love others as you love yourself." Jesus tells us that God's desire is for us to live in connected relationship with God and with other people. We've been "hardwired" that way by our Creator. In a sense we have 2 relational holes within our soul that God has put within us...a void that yearns to know God in authentic relationship and a void that yearns to know others in a loving, genuine relationship. God said it was "not good for us to be alone" in Genesis, He said it from the beginning. Now as humans perhaps we are beginning to understand the value of "connectedness"...and the destructive outcomes of "aloneness". This study goes on to say we have learned to be experts in medicating & pyscho-analyzing our lack of "connectedness" but we have failed miserably as a culture in learning how to "connect". Yet, God has the pursuit of the answer hard-wired within each of us. God in His mercy desires us to be in right relationship with Him and in right relationship with each other. He's made us to crave it, to discover it, and to thrive within it. At FRIENDS we strive to create a safe environment for each of us to explore this discover it's significance... and to thrive in it's embrace. Join us as we learn to connect with God and with each other in authentic, genuine we were "hardwired" to experience...from the beginning!

be God's!
Brian O
Lead Pastor dude
Friends Community Church
Tyler, Texas

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Breathe Deep

Breathe Deep
by the Lost Dogs

Politicians, morticians, Philistines, homophobes

Skinheads, Dead heads, tax evaders, street kids

Alcoholics, workaholics, wise guys, dim wits

Blue collars, white collars, war mongers, peace nicks

Breathe deep

Breathe deep the Breath of God

Breathe deep

Breathe deep the Breath of God

Suicidals, rock idols, shut-ins, drop outs

Friendless, homeless, penniless and depressed

Presidents, residents, foreigners and aliens

Dissidents, feminists, xenophobes and chauvinists

Evolutionists, creationists, perverts, slum lords

Dead-beats, athletes, Protestants and Catholics

Housewives, neophytes, pro-choice, pro-life

Misogynists, monogamists, philanthropists, blacks and whites

Police, obese, lawyers, and government

Sex offenders, tax collectors, war vets, rejects

Atheists, Scientists, racists, sadists

Photographers, biographers, artists, pornographers

Gays and lesbians, demagogues and thespians

The disabled, preachers, doctors and teachers

Meat eaters, wife beaters, judges and juries

Long hair, no hair, everybody everywhere!

Breathe deep

Breathe deep the Breath of God

Breathe deep

Breathe deep the Breath of God

be God's!
Lead Pastor dude
Friends Community Church
Tyler, Texas

Monday, July 4, 2011

Independence Day?

Independence, hmmm? Well, as we have all celebrated the 4th of July with assorted BBQ's, weekend getaways to the beach or mountains, along with lots of fireworks and oodles of fun...I've been pondering the concept of "independence". Now I realize that "Independence Day" celebrates our nations beginnings, and especially our breaking away from British rule. It marks a time when a group of people from all over Europe and beyond, declared an "independence" from rulers, taxation, religious persecution and a host of other undue burdens. It's cool how our nation even declares that people are "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights". Yet in that, our nation oozes a spirit of independence, and I wonder how biblical all that may be? We love the rebel...the outlaw...the non-conformist...the cowboy...the rugged individualist. We pride ourselves on being "self made men", "pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps", and being "lone rangers" & "mavericks". Some would even declare that us Americans have a favorite bible verse, "God helps them who help themselves". The most famous "bible verse" not found in the bible! To the contrary, in light of what the bible tells us consistently, it would appear that our "independence" is the key to our problems in life. This isn't just an American problem, independence is a human problem. The idea that we can do it on our own. The idea we can work it all out ourselves. The idea that we know whats best. The idea that we don't need anybody else. I would suggest that "idea" is the core root of our human dilemma. Our striving for "independence" cuts to our sin nature...our selfish nature...our self centered world views...the world revolving around us. When in fact God continually says we should live lives of dependence. Lives dependent on relationship with Him and lives dependent on relationships with other people. This flies in the face of what most of us believe and especially in the face of our core American value...independence. God would remind us that our independence is what causes our relational pain and the chaos in the world we live within. He would suggest that as we deepen our relationship with Him & other people, in dependent trust, the chaos becomes more manageable. At FRIENDS we desire to be people who learn the art of graceful, trusting dependence on the God whose crazy about us. It's a journey away from independence, yet one worth taking, together! In this world we will always have trouble, and the trouble is our independence from God. What a struggle that is, isn't it? God has designed us to be a people of dependence...we need God...and we need relationship with others. We crave these things from the depths of our soul, don't we? In the end its our way (independence) or His way (trusting dependence). For each of us, we hear the cry to, "choose you this day". Which one will you embrace? Join us on the journey of dependence...together!

be God's!
Brian O
Lead Pastor dude
Friends Community Church
Tyler, Texas

Monday, June 27, 2011










new wine








skull hill








by Steven James
be God's!
Brian O
Lead Pastor dude
Friends Community Church
Tyler, Texas

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Grace Paradox

"Give up trying to look like a saint," Brennan Manning's spiritual mentor once told him. "It'll be a lot better for everybody." If there is anything that ECHO hopes to contribute, it is this: we recognize that being a true follower of Jesus is not a matter of polishing ourselves up to make ourselves more presentable to God and others. But it is about being honest about how far we fall short of being the persons we know we should be and reaching out to accept the freely given, wild, crazy and untamed, scandalous grace of God. In an excerpt from The Ragamiffin Gospel, Brennan Manning says it best..."When I get honest, I admit I am a bundle of paradoxes. I believe and I doubt, I hope and I get discouraged, I love and I hate, I feel bad about feeling good, I feel guilty about not feeling guilty. I am trusting and suspicious. I am honest and I still play games. Aristotle said I am a rational animal; I say I am an angel with an incredible capacity for beer. To live by grace means to acknowledge my whole life's story, the light side and the dark. In admitting my shadow side, I learn who I am and what God's grace means. As Thomas Merton put it, "a saint is not someone who is good but is someone who experiences the goodness of God."

be God's!
Brian O
Lead Pastor dude
Friends Community Church
Tyler, Texas 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Environmental Concerns

Perspective? How often does our perspective get in the way? For some, it is a set of bias that have been inbred over many, many years. For others it is a "new" revelation that has opened them up to some "enlightened" viewpoint. But rarely, or shall I say it totally ours! We cannot help but be shaped by our environment, whether that be family or friends or philosophical input from various "experts". The key is, what "environment" do you "live" in? What "environment" do you place yourself in? For many it is an issue of the "environment" they were placed in, and how to escape its trappings. Isn't it interesting to see how, so often, we place ourselves in poor environments that have proven to reap hurt and confusion in our lives...or how we allow ourselves to remain in painful environments that we were placed in by others or by circumstance? How ironic that we should allow ourselves to be so "influenced", even to our detriment. We see a world where people are screaming out for "freedom" from that which binds them up. For some it is the memory's of abuse...for other's the "living hell" of addiction (alcohol, drugs, sexual etc...)...for some it's the guilt of bad choices made in their past...or the lack of hope for a better future. Psychologists and Counselors are making millions of dollars, as people desperately scramble to be set free. Many are willing to do almost anything to be free from their "bondage", that "curse" that seems to weigh them down. The "good news" is that there is a way to break the "chains" that bind us. There is a "freedom" that can set us free. There is a "hope", that can guide and direct us into a future of unspeakable joy and fulfillment. There is a "relief" from our guilt. There is a "healing" for our pain...past, present and future! At FRIENDS we want to journey with you on that discovery. We desire to encourage you as you explore these very things for yourself. The "key", once again is your environment. The environment you "choose" to place yourself in. In the presence of loving people that care enough to point you towards a loving God. A God who chose to reach out to you in Jesus, to share your pain, to take your guilt away, to give you hope, to bring you joy, and to give you genuine freedom! By allowing ourselves to live in His allowing His perspective to guide our trusting His guidance over our own...we discover what true freedom can be. A freedom to know you're on the "right track" and that you are focused on the right perspective!

Today consider these 5 biblical truths as you explore God's design of freedom for you:

"Jesus is a light unto your path." psalm 119:105

"Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life." john 14:5

"Jesus came to set the captives free." luke 4:18

"Jesus did not come into the world to condemn the world...

...but to save it." john 3:17

"When you are free in Jesus, you are free indeed." john 8:36

be God's!
Brian O
Lead Pastor dude
Friends Community Church
Tyler, Texas

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Lines In The Sand

People are funny.  I mean they really are funny.  We are so good at missing the obvious.  We are particularly good at missing the obvious in church circles.  Even though Jesus would say, "Take the log out of your eye first...then remove the speck in another's eye", we miss the obvious sarcasm and exaggeration in this word picture.  Jesus paints a picture of a person, let's call him "Bob", and he's trying to make sure that "Ralph" gets the speck out of his eye...yet he is doing it while carrying a much larger problem in his own eye...a stinkin' log!!!  Picture this dude with a freaking log jammed in his eye...and he is on your case about the "speck" that you have in your eye!  How ridiculous is that picture?  Yet, how awkwardly real is that picture?  Step back from the hyperbole for a moment and consider the last time you were critical of, or quick to point out the "speck" in someones life...yet you yourself are carrying a much larger, serious "log" in your own?  How easy is it for us to examine others lives but not our own?  We often examine in the name of righteousness or holiness, in church circles...cause somehow that makes it right?  I have had people ask me to correct someone because they dress the wrong way...too revealing or too tight.  I have had people insist I correct the guy who cusses...or drinks...or smokes...or smells like pot in church.  I have had people demand I get on the case of someone because of a whole myriad of faults in that other person's character, habits and rough edges.  Yet rarely do I have someone ask me to keep "them in line"...with their "habits"...their "faults"...or their "rough edges".   It's like a guy is standing in front of me smoking his cigarette demanding I go tell another guy to quit cussing...cause its making the church look bad somehow?  How weird is that?  We see the others flaws while embracing our own.  Apparently grace is sufficient for one but not the other.  Apparently mercy is extended to one, but not the other.  Apparently love and patience is available to one but not the other.  Is this what Jesus taught?  Is this what God requires?  How foolish we often look...before God...and before men.  Sometimes we are so busy contending for "righteousness" and "holiness" we are forgetting the obvious.  First of all, righteousness and holiness are not based in our behavior...they are based in God alone, for He alone is holy and righteous...not us.  Righteousness and holiness are attributed to us by faith in Jesus, not by our performance.  Secondly,  Jesus contends for "relationship" first...then for "righteousness".  We often get it so wrong.  We demand "right living" often to the detriment of the "relationship".  God, on the other hand, offers "relationship", so that we may learn to become "right living" people, through experiencing His love.   We often get so caught up in drawing lines in the should not should not should not should not wear tight should not listen to secular should not watch should not play pool...or go into movies theatres...or whatever other crazy arbitrary line we want to draw.  What makes us think that will attract anyone closer to God?  Let's face it, it has proven it does not.  Why?  Because our random quest for "right living" that are usually based on our own personal preferences, have not drawn people closer to a relationship with God or a relationship with us.  In fact, it reinforces a terrible myth, that if you do the right things, God is pleased with you...and if you don't you are unacceptable.  Really, is that right stuff and you are in?  Huh?  Whatever happened to not keeping a record of encouragement... to being "saved by grace through faith, so that no one can boast".   We are "saved by faith, not works"...yet we present "lines in the sand" that declare "do the right stuff, according to my standard, and then you are welcome here".  How sad is that?  It must grieve the heart of God to see people hurt and pushed away by our "lines in the sand".  Fortunately, God's heart is a love that crashes in on the sandy beach and washes away any lines drawn...because its His righteousness, a gift...not things we manufacture, or demand and draw in the sand.  At FRIENDS we continually are learning to create room for Jesus love to transform a place where everyone is welcome, as they are...rough edges and messiness in tow.  Because we know that by accepting people with the open arms of Jesus, a relationship with God may begin, and then God will lovingly and patiently work out all the rest through His mercy and grace.  Our prayer @ FRIENDS is to not get in the way...

be God's!
Brian O
Lead Pastor dude
Friends Community Church
Tyler, Texas

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Living Proof

We live in a world of skeptics it seems. People seem to be pessimistic, on guard, suspicious of others motives. It seems to be the darker side of our human tendencies I suppose. We're all prone to it from time to time...some more than others. Perhaps its the media age where we learn so easily of all the scandals of religious leaders, politicians, corporate CEO's, celebrities, pro athletes etc... Perhaps it's also a by product of living in a "marketing age" where you gotta "read the fine print"...there's "always a catch" got to "buy 2 to get one free" get the idea. It seems it's never for real, so we're conditioned to be suspect of the "deals" that are too good to be true. I've been burned...I'm sure you have to. The same skeptical tendencies come into our hearts as we explore things spiritual or it for real? It's too good to be true? It's another scam? There must be a hidden agenda? It's got to be about money, ego, or some kind of power least we tend to think that way we don't trust easily. Many see philosopher's, and religious teachers this way. Whether its Socrates, Plato, Buddha, Confucius, Mohammad, Joesph Smith, L. Ron Hubbard, or Jesus...we tend to be suspect of whats the "real story" behind the facade. Now I'm not one to simply say, there all nuts or evil people trying to deceive us...and only Jesus is right. That would be very presumptuous of me. The bible encourages us to "believe the best of every person", so I choose to believe these philosophers and religious teachers all were seeking truth...genuine best they could. They all were attempting to discover God's truth and explain it to mankind as best their search would allow. Now, though sincere in their search, they may have only discovered a portion of the truth, being limited, as all human beings are. It is interesting though to see how they all have found room to include Jesus into their philosophical and religious equations. To some He is a wise philosopher, to others a prophet, perhaps another might say He attained christ-consciousness or was simply a humble teacher of what was good and right. But the real proof lay in the events of the first Easter morning. That morning, Jesus proved He was God...not just another guy talking about God. That's what separates Jesus from the rest. He conquered the one thing no philosopher or religious teacher has ever conquered...death! All the great leaders of the past have indeed died, in spite of the noble search for truth. But Jesus said "He was the Way, the Truth, and the Life"...and proved it. Living Proof, He rose from the dead. Hundreds saw Him after He rose. Men and women who hid in fear suddenly became bold and very. very public about seeing Jesus alive again. In fact they changed the world with that message...a message of hope...victory over sin and death was available to everyone through Jesus! Many of them died cruel martyrs deaths as they spread that message. History tells us not "one" ever denied Jesus was alive again. No one ever said they "made it up", even when facing torture and impending death. The significance of the resurrection of Jesus at the very least should prompt any of us to examine who Jesus said He was, and what He taught...regardless of your spiritual view...its worth a serious look. This once in history occurrence completes the miracle events of Good Friday...Jesus sacrifice on the cross (that we spoke of in a previous blog entry "Things Are Not Always As They Seem"). The sacrificial death of Jesus, paying the price for you and me, removed the penalty of sin for all who trust Jesus in that sacrifice. That penalty the bible says is "the wages of sin is death"...and Jesus took care of that and proved it! He not only died for all our sins...He rose from the dead to prove He even had the power over death itself! That penalty of sin was of no effect the hands of the giver of life...Jesus! Living Proof He was God and that we could trust Him with our eternal life. How cool is that! "The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life though Jesus Christ", the bible tells us (Romans 6:23). To think God loves us that much! Our hope at FRIENDS is that we can be a group of Jesus followers who will share this Good News with everyone within our spheres of relationship, in authentic and loving ways, so that all may know how much God loves and cares for them! Join us in this adventure and watch what God does through us and in us!

be God's!
Brian O
Lead Pastor dude
Friends Community Church
Tyler, Texas

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Charlie Sheen has been on a rant about winning for a few months to the point that "winning" has become a phrase in our culture tied to him.  Sadly, poor Charlie seems far from winning, but sadly spiraling out of control.  Hopefully not, but believing you are "winning" while your life collapses around you is sadly delusional and tragic.  I suppose Charlie is like most people.  Most people want to "win".  Most people desire to be "winning" in life according to their motivations and core beliefs.  I suppose its a cry of the soul to live a life of substance and meaning.  Life without it seems shallow and hollow...a cruel joke.  It's been said that "80% of success is showing up".  This famous quote has been used by coaches, athletes and motivated individuals in a variety of fields.  It is interesting that this quote originates with a rather quirky, yet brilliant actor, producer and playwright...Woody Allen!  His quote has traveled the world and speaks volumes towards a simple truth.  Step #1 in being successful at any endeavor is "showing up".  Obviously, if you ain't are not going to have any opportunity to discover what "may happen".  Now there is no guarantee that by just "showing up" anything great will happen...but there IS a guarantee that if you do NOT show up you will never find out!!!  The early followers of Jesus got it...they showed up BIG TIME!  They didn't live as if Jesus was coming back in 2,000 years...perhaps its good they didn't know.  They lived a life of urgency.  Every day they lived as if it was their last.  They showed up and layed it all down for the task at hand..."sharing the good news of Jesus invitation of grace, forgiveness and relationship" all who would listen.  How ironic that they layed down their lives, possessions and personal agendas to share this Good News with such passion...while today's followers live a life of self serving complacency...with very little passion...sacrifice...or urgency.  Even more ironic, is all you need to do is take a casual glance at the news and you'll know we are living in urgent times, where biblical warnings of "end time events" are commonly shared as today's news.  You'd think we'd be "showing up"...passionately, urgently, sacrificially...laying it all on the line for the sake of those who have not received the Good News yet!  The early followers of Jesus should have been the one's sitting on their laurels...they were 2,000 years from it all.  Yet they showed after day...sharing all they had...materially, financially, spiritually, relationally...even to the point of losing their own lives.   While we sit back, say we love Jesus...say we love people...but do very little about it.  We rarely "show up"....heck we rarely show up to our own churches, let alone in our communities.  A church gathering has become a self serving convenience for many.  Is it any wonder that those who don't know Jesus yet, keep their distance?  Because we do.  We don't show why should they?  It's apparently not that important to "us' why should it be important to "them"?  And God forbid, if a not-yet-believer actually showed up at one of our churches, bravely going where he isn't familiar... in hope....that maybe you showed up.   Maybe you are the kind of person they would relate to...or perhaps your family is similar...or your field of employment...or school you went to...or simply the way you look or the music you like or...????  Who knows?  But if you don't "show up" will never know...and either will they.  Your greatest value is not "what you do"...or "what you give"...but "who you are"!!!   You are the only "you" on planet earth...and its a great loss when you don't show up.  God made it to be that way, it's His idea!  Your presence is the greatest gift.  That is why God tells us to "not forsake gathering together".  Because "showing up" means so much.  God's people...His church...His followers... can only be successful according to His design...IF they "show up".   The only way to "love others" is to show up and be around "others"...and in that "showing up" God's love flows from person to person as He has always intended it to.  At FRIENDS we are trying to learn to take our love of Jesus beyond ourselves and our homes...and into our community...and it all "begins" with "showing up" our church gatherings where we learn and practice together...and then in our city where we show up representing lives impacted by the love of God!

be God's!
Brian O
Lead Pastor dude
Friends Community Church
Tyler, Texas

Friday, April 22, 2011

Things Are Not Always As They Seem

Have you ever heard of the Knob Cone pine? They grow predominantly in the Pacific Northwest. They are a very interesting tree, a very unique creation in God's world of nature. You see the Knob Cone pine tree can only reproduce under the most unusual of circumstances, or so it seems. There is one circumstance that ideally releases the seeds contained in the "cones" of the tree. The cones are extremely hard, and virtually impossible to open...except by fire! The heat of forest fires causes a reaction within the cone that releases gases, that as the cones cool after a forest fire, the cones slowly expand and pop open, releasing the seeds... and that allows the Knob Cone pine to flourish! Isn't that wild! The very thing you think would destroy these trees, actually is essential to their survival as a species! To think God wired into the trees DNA a way for them to survive and even flourish in the aftermath of their greatest! That's so cool...amazing really. It's a constant reminder to me of how we, as humans, don't always see things, as God does. Things are not always as they seem. The bible says we "know in part", that we "see through glass dimly", that in a sense, we just don't know what God does. Isn't that the truth! I suppose if we were smarter than God, then what kind of God would that be? I know we "think" we are smarter sometimes...we think we know what is right...or wrong...or just...or fair...or what makes sense. But in reality, we are very limited in our understanding of our world, human nature, our universe, and things spiritual. Now its awesome to strive to gain more understanding in all those things, but not to the point where we diminish God's view in favor of ours. Because much of life, naturally and spiritually isn't always as it seems. Like the Knob Cone pine tree, it almost doesn't make sense...but in the brilliant was that idea! As we learn to trust God's ways, our ways begin to make more sense, even though, to a degree we simply can't always comprehend everything. Like when Jesus died at the crucifixion. We remember this time in history, on the Friday before Easter. Now that's an event in history that almost doesn't make sense in human terms. Anyone who has seen the "Passion of the Christ" got a taste of the injustice of that day. Jesus, a man of the people, a lover of the downtrodden, a forgiver of the sinner, an includer of the outcast, a man who brought a taste of the Kingdom of God in such a way that crowds gathered wherever He went...and He was unjustly accused. Not only accused, but a sham of a trial convicted death. Now His enemies probably figured he was toast. Satan himself, in the spiritual realm, celebrated the defeat and end to Jesus attempts to reveal the Kingdom of God to people on earth. His death would end that...or so they thought. You see God was once again, one step ahead. Like the Knob Cone pine, the very thing that seemed to destroy...actually was essential in bringing new life! As Jesus died, He paid the price of every sin, that anyone has ever committed, for all time. It gave each person the opportunity to have a right relationship with more barriers between man & God. The payment for sin was paid, so you and I wouldn't have to pay it. "There is no greater love than this", Jesus said, "than a man lay down His life for another". Now I know it seems harsh for God to declare that "the wages of sin is death" may not think its even fair. But since God Himself submitted to His own punishment, in place of you and me, then does it matter if you "think" its fair? If God's penalty is "way over the top unfair and harsh" to you, then what's it matter, since He paid the penalty for you! If anything it shows how incredibly determined He is to have you know Him and be in relationship with Him...He wanted nothing to get in the way! Now it all rests in your free will...your choice to trust Him with your life...or your choice to do your own thing? God is gentleman enough to give you that now it's your call. I know that I have personally come to a place in my spiritual journey where I trust God enough to admit "His ways are not like mine". He is God and I'm not, and I'm glad. The fact that God can bring the opportunity of eternal life to you and me through death...seems very ironic, even baffling, yet somehow brilliant. The very thing that Satan thought would end the Kingdom of God...actually has caused it to flourish. For now, 2,000 years later, hundreds of millions, even billions have said "yes" to trusting Jesus...accepting His sacrifice on their behalf...and enjoying the benefits of living in right relationship with a God that's crazy in love with them! Now this is why this Friday before Easter, is known as a "Good Friday".

be God's!
Brian O
Lead Pastor dude
Friends Community Church
Tyler, Texas

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Go Outside...Soak It In...

Go outside... And praise the God who mapped the stars out in the sky. Gather ‘round with those who love and sing...He is our King. No one should be left out... No one should be left out... No one should be left out... No one should be left out... If you have air to breathe, Hear your call to sing... I love this song by Robbie Seay. If you don't have it downloaded on your iPod should! Soak it in as you take in the wonder all around you. It evokes that sense of awe we feel when we take time to linger a bit and enjoy God's creation. A sense rises up...a wonderful sense of I'm so small...and He's so beyond my imagination. Yet a humbling sense that God created it all for you & me. You see it wherever you live or travel. In Texas you see the wide open plains, the rolling hills to the south, the forested hills and wide open spaces in the eastern part of the state. Rivers, lakes, and wonder as far as the eye can see. It's amazing, from the sky scraping metropolis of Dallas to the farms, ranches and forests surrounding Tyler, God's handy work is on display. When I lived in Hawaii, it was the majestic mountains rising over the tropical rain forests that meet the crystal clear turquoise blue ocean. The waves gently rolling in with a breeze onto the soft grainy sand unique to Hawaiian shores. When we lived in the Northwest we saw God's hand at work in a uniquely blessed location. Man it's everywhere...lush green landscapes, forests, lakes and rushing rivers. With Eugene, in particular, being such a cool area where all these things are right around us every day...and drive 15 minutes and your rolling through awesome fields of farm land and pastures of grazing animals. Go 45 minutes east and you're seeing waterfalls and snowy peaks throughout the Cascade mountains. Go 45 minutes west through the Coastal Range and you'll see the incredible Oregon coast where the forest meets the beach and rolling sand dunes. It truly is so inspiring to take some time and "go outside"...and admire God's handy work...a Master Artists' work no doubt! Whether its the rolling hills of east texas, or the oceans of Hawaii, or the forests of the Pacific Northwest...and everywhere in between...God's artistic flair is on display. The bible speaks of creation itself testifying to God's awesomeness, wonder and awe! We are so blessed to have it so close to us every day. So take some time to "go outside" and praise the God who mapped it all out...for you! I also love how the song speaks of "the call" that goes out to everyone...that no one should be left out. God's heart is that all of us are His...we're all included. It encourages me to "go outside" in other ways...perhaps out of my comfort zones...beyond my convenience... beyond my include others. To reach out to everyone, so that they may be drawn towards the One who loves them so much...a God that's crazy about them! That means I need to get "outside" church..."outside" my home perhaps...maybe even "outside" my neighborhood...but what a privilege it is to "love others" as I am loved by God. It's a challenge, but something FRIENDS is deeply committed go "outside" that no one is left that all have an opportunity to explore and experience their journey of faith. Our privilege is to be a group of Jesus followers that is willing to "go outside", and "love others" in the hope we may point them towards a God that wants to draw them close. And together we can "go outside" and join the song of praise to the God that paints us a new canvas every day! At FRIENDS our commitment long as we "have air to breathe"..."no one should be left out!"

be God's!
Brian O
Lead Pastor dude
Friends Community Church
Tyler, Texas