Friday, January 30, 2009

I Don't Like Mondays

The challenge we all have is not what we learned on Sunday...but what we live out on Monday. All too often we confuse "knowledge" or "more information" with somehow growing more into the people God desires. Yet in reality the bible is clear that if "we are hearers" only but not "doers"...then we are fooling ourselves. I don't think the problem is a lack of information. Rationally, we are the most educated generation ever. We have more access to biblical knowledge than ever through the internet. There are churches of every "flavor" in almost any city in America...yet the true test comes on Monday. For too many, we feel our Sunday attendance is all God requires...when in actuality, He requires the trusting application of His truth in how we live. God is more concerned with "who we are" than in "what we know". We discover "who we are" on Mondays (and all throughout the week as well). How do you react to stress at home? How do you react to the insensitive customer? How do you react to the intentional harm done to you? How do you react to the temptations that come your way? Do you choose "selfishness" or "selfless-ness"? When the opportunities for "self-sacrifice" happen, do you accept? When persecution or offense comes, how do you react? When an opportunity to serve someone else comes across your path, do you joyfully step forward? When a need is before you and you can you? In many ways, these questions let us know "who we are"...they can gage where we are on the journey of becoming more Jesus-like. Most people who are not yet followers of Jesus see the disconnect. Do we? They see how we "learn" stuff on Sunday...but we don't "live" it on Monday. Most of them, in a sense, don't like reminds them that this "hope of transformation" promised in Jesus, isn't real. Or at least it appears to not be real...on Mondays. I remember a song from the Irish punk group, the Boomtown Rats, called "I Don't Like Mondays". The lead vocalist, Bob Geldof, has become famous for relief efforts in Africa since his Boomtown Rats days...but this song was one of their most well known. Sadly, it is well known because of tragedy. You see, the song speaks of a shooting in which the young man who killed classmates was asked why he did it...his stoic answer was "I don't like Mondays". The huge disconnect between the feeling of "not liking Mondays" and the action of killing innocent people, was was the song. It's hard to comprehend. Much as it is hard to comprehend people who say they follow Jesus...but do not do as He teaches. Sadly, many people observe our non-action to Jesus words and hopelessly conclude... "it's not real". In many ways it kills the hope so many are looking for. In a world desperately looking for hope...not just speeches about hope...but hope that transforms and impacts. A world that is desperately looking for that "redeemer", that "one" who will save them, that "one" who can make things as they should be, the "one" who knows the way, the "one" who knows the truth...the "one" who is love...they often come to a place of doubting it really exists. How sad is that? In many ways most people don't like Mondays. Many Christians don't like leaving the safety of "their" Sundays, as they enter the real world on's too hard. Many not-yet-christians don't like Mondays because its when they see those who claim to "follow Jesus" act like they aren't. And most importantly...maybe God doesn't like these it often stands as a barrier to so many... keeping them from knowing & trusting Him. So many "hear" but don't "live" His truth. So many seeking truth are disillusioned by those who claim to "know" Him. God feels strongly about this...He says that those who "know Him" will "hear His words" and "will obey them" and "live them" out. He says those that are His will "let their light shine before men" so that people will get a glimpse of who God is. He also strongly warns those who "stumble" others of His severe judgement towards their inactions and false action...especially, if it keeps people from Him. God values us "loving Him", not in just word, but in lifestyle...He values it because it reflects His love in our "love of other people"...and that He takes seriously... very seriously. At ECHO, we take serious what God takes serious. The challenge to not just fill up our heads with bible knowledge...but to live it out authentically...which should be so obvious in our lives that it affects those around us...perhaps even drawing them toward God also. If we say "we love God, but don't do what he says, we are a liar", the bible says. Whoa! That's pretty blunt. That's pretty straight-forward. That's what God thinks...and so should we. If we take our "Sundays" as serious as God does...then our Mondays should just be another opportunity to shine God's be a part of His transforming we live as examples of His saving a world desperate to find it.

be God's!
Brian O
Lead Pastor dude, ECHO

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