Monday, January 26, 2009

Context For Living

Life is so diverse. Depending on where you live geographically, economically, relationally, politically, emotionally and can really make a huge difference in how one lives and how they see life. The context of one's life speaks volumes in understanding it. For instance, I am of Irish descent, 100% Irish as a matter of fact. Both my mom & dad were raised in Ireland. As it so happens, one of my favorite bands is the Irish rock band U2...I have followed them since they began almost 30 years ago! I often hear people in the U.S. comment on Bono (the lead singer & song writer for U2) and his views on the church, the bible & Jesus. Some don't think he is a follower of Jesus...others think he is...some don't care either way. But I often hear Americans comment on Bono's views of the "church" as if he was speaking about the American church that most of us have experienced. This "assumption" that he is speaking about what "you think" leads you to some very incorrect views on what Bono has said. In proper context, realize Bono is the "church" he is referring to is not the American model of church. Bono is referring to the "church" he knows. In Ireland, that is the Irish Catholic Church and the Anglican (British) Protestant Church. Those same entities fought and killed each other for Bono's lifetime. He has lived in a country that has terrorized and brutalized each other for years...under the label of the "Catholics" versus the "Protestants". Though the battle is really an Independent Ireland versus British has been labeled religiously, primarily because the British national church is the Anglican church, and the Irish have traditionally and primarily been Catholic. So when Bono speaks critically of the "church", he is speaking of misuse of the institutional church he grew up around. But don't be mistaken...he is not against the "church" as the bible defines it...but he is against the "church" as his culture defined it. The bible defines the "church" as any of those people who are authentic followers of Jesus...and for this Bono has been a big advocate, whether Catholic or Protestant, he has always been an advocate of followers authentically walking in Jesus footsteps biblically...not the missteps of corrupt politics nor institutions nor the powers that be. In fact, Bono met the Edge (U2's guitar player) in an experimental school, in Ireland, that allowed both Catholics and Protestants to attend together. This was a rare and advant gard thing in those days, and obviously has influenced their view of the "biblical church" and their music. My dad told me when he grew up in Ireland, he remembered seeing Catholic Priests and Protestant ministers refusing to look each other in the eye as they passed each other on the sidewalk...he even saw them walk to the other side of the road to avoid contact with each other! Now that is the hostile environment the Irish "church" lived within. That is the context Bono speaks from...not from an "American who has gotten disillusioned to church" perspective. Yet, we all too often will look at "Bono's words" as if he is speaking from "our context"...and that takes us to a place of flawed conclusions. The same goes for how one reads the bible. It is so easy to grab bible passages "out of context" and misapply them to our lives...all the while not recognizing the "context" in which it was written, the people to whom it was written to, and the circumstances of that time. Without understanding the context it is too easy to misapply it to my current viewpoint, culture or bias. I see this very obviously in Philippians chapter 4. In this chapter are several examples of scripture passages that are often "used and applied" incorrectly, because they are taken out of their "context". The one that seems to most often be "misused" is Philippians 4:13, "I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me." I think I even saw Tim Tebow, quarterback of the Florida Gators, wearing that scripture in the SEC championship game. All too often we use that verse in ways that it wasn't intended. I know of college students who have "claimed" that verse in prayer as they enter a biology test that they have not studied for. Huh? As if God will let them supernaturally get an "A", even though they didn't deserve one, because of this verse? I think we are missing something here? In proper context, Philippians 4:13, is in the midst of a passage that is speaking about "contentment". Paul has just outlined some practical ways he has learned Godly contentment in his life...and he has just said, "I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether I am well fed or hungry, whether I live in plenty or in need." Immediately following this, he says, "I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me". Notice the context...Paul has said, since he has learned how to live content regardless of his circumstances...he can do everything through Christ who strengthens him! That's not a strength to run marathons...or pass tests...or win football is a strength that comes from learning Godly contentment. That is not a strength that leads to personal success or accomplishment, so to speak...but a strength that allows one to be content regardless of circumstance! That is quite a shift of context isn't it? Too often we read the bible and try to inject it into our lifes context...verse by verse...when in reality God desires we learn His way, within His context. At ECHO, we want to correctly read and apply the Bible to our proper that we can live a life that loves God and others properly. That can only happen when my life lines up with God's context...not the other way around...

be God's!
Brian O
Lead Pastor dude, ECHO

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