Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Have you ever been overtaken by the beauty of creation? Have you ever been in awe of God's brilliance? When you look at nature and the intricacies of how things function in creations systems...be it weather...animal kingdom...or plant life...or within our oceans or outer space...it is absolutely mind numbingly obvious that God's ways are far, far beyond our ways!!! At ECHO we are so thankful that God graciously gave us His love letter (scripture) so that we may explore His love in action...experience it personally...and then see how we can learn to express it to others. His brilliance is so beyond my thinking and my ways. It's as if nature is a constant God reminder to us "know-it-all" humans, to not miss out on partnering with His genius. His way really works...if we trust Him. It really is better than what we try to cook up on our own. Most of what we do in "ourselves", creates more problems for us and others, than we care to admit. For instance, I read recently only 10% of people respond to the challenge of "commitment"...the challenge to signup and join us! Only the already "committed" commit to be more committed! LOL. Yet, we, often in church circles, challenge people to be "committed"...get on board...join the cause...be here every time the doors are open...read your assigned bible reading every day...give financially as we ask...and volunteer to do what we need you to do!!! Because a "few" respond to this...we assume "all" will. But recent history has shown that most don't respond to this at all...in fact they feel pressured or even manipulated by it. It actually pushes more away than it attracts. Yet we persist? huh? Even more interesting is that hardly anyone responds to "reason". Most cannot be convinced you are right, and they are wrong. Most believe what they want to believe regardless. Isn't that interesting...in church circles we often focus on people "knowing lots of bible stuff"...cause if they get the right info, they'll believe. Well that hasn't worked too well has it? There is more bible info published in virtually every creative form known to man kind...yet a smaller percentage of the population believes today than ever. Perhaps our "brilliance" is not sufficient? But as we look at Jesus...who was the Word of God...scripture and truth...in the flesh...you rarely see Jesus use reason to pound people into biblical submission. In fact, He usually only used it to humble the religious "know-it-all's" who "knew the scriptures well...but not the One who it was speaking about"...Jesus Himself, hello! What we don't see Him doing is demanding people commit to a cause or a club...but, rather, to enter into a relationship. Jesus invites those He meets to discover who He really is...and follow. Not coercive...but in relationship...by choice...not pressure or manipulation. So what then? Have we been doing this church thing wrong all these years? What's the answer? Well, a huge stat jumped out of this study...something Jesus people should not just know...but live... 90% of people do respond to "compassion"!!! What we do see in Jesus...consistently... over and over...was compassion. He cares for the downtrodden...the widow...the orphan...the guilty...the outcast...the sick...the hungry. His heart of compassion drew huge crowds. His teaching was so unlike the know-it-all teachers of the day...His words oozed grace...mercy...forgiveness...love...compassion. It didn't demand...it accepted. It didn't judge...it forgave. It didn't beat down...it lifted up. It spoke of another chance...an opportunity to get back up. At ECHO, we hope to be a group of Jesus followers that is known for compassion...as Jesus was. Yes, there are times when loving instruction from scripture is helpful and needed...but its done in love. Yes, there is the encouragement to press on and not give up...but its done in grace, mercy & forgiveness...not as a demand or some kind of performance thing. If 90% of people respond to compassion (as the study suggests), then maybe Jesus was onto something...How brilliant is that!?

be God's!
Brian O
Lead Pastor dude, ECHO

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