Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Grace Misunderstood

This past summer, as we were on vacation, we came upon 2 signs that seemed "opposite in spirit" yet "compatible" at the same time. As we drove from Arkansas into Texas, from the northeast near Texarkana, we saw a sign warning us "don't mess with Texas", with a huge $1,000 fine for littering (I think its $186 in Oregon for perspective). This sign didn't feel very welcoming... in fact some might think it was uninviting, to say the least. Right behind this sign, was a colorful sign with the Lone Star state's flag proudly declaring "Welcome to Texas". With a caption saying, in a friendly sort of way, "drive friendly...the Texas way". One sign seems to tell the visitor "don't screw up or you're toast". While the other says, "Hey, just work with me on this...trust me...it'll be OK". I love how those two signs are juxtaposed against each other... seemingly opposites...but in reality saying the same thing consistently, two different ways. Grace is much like that. The concept of "grace" as Jesus taught it and expressed it, is often seen as the opposite of much of what the scripture declares. It can almost seem as if "grace" says, "hey, forget that other stuff". But in reality grace is not a blanket dismissal of all the declarations of scripture, as some may assume. Some would suggest that all the law, wisdom, counsel and dictates of scripture have been set aside in favor of an age of grace. A grace that says, "that other stuff doesn't matter anymore, so don't sweat it". Some would say grace absolves our responsibility in many things scripture declares. In actuality grace may indeed be saying something very different than we realize. For instance, when looking at the teachings of Jesus, we actually see that grace broadens our response to God...rather than absolving us of it. The Law (of scripture) tells us we should not kill. Jesus tells us that when we have anger in our heart, we've committed murder. The Law tells us not to commit adultery...Jesus says when we lust in our heart, we already have committed sexual sin. The Law says we should give offerings of at least 10% (a tithe or tenth) to God's purposes...Jesus declares that "everything" is His, and we are given responsibility in how we use it...for our purposes or for God's purposes. The Old Testament had one day as the Lord's Day...Jesus let us know He wants our whole life, every day. You see, the Law of scripture may actually require less than Jesus asks. As you read Jesus' words carefully, you actually see He is asking for a much higher standard than the Law does. But how can that be? Wasn't Jesus all about delivering a message of "grace"? How do those two road signs fit together? They seem contradictory... not compatible? So what's the deal? There is one big difference in the mix. The Law required we met it by the letter, or else we were disqualified. We were bound by performance to the Laws requirement. It was a "Don't Mess With the Law" kind of feeling...and the penalty was much bigger than a $1,000 bucks...it was death! The result of messing up in following the Law meant the death penalty... sometimes literally...all the time spiritually. With Jesus He brings the "Drive Friendly" vibe...the Welcome mat is out...we call it "grace". Grace is that wonderful gift provided by Jesus, that covers us when we don't meet the demands of the Law. When we miss the letter of Law...the Spirit of grace leads the way. Jesus, motivated by love, invites us all through grace...by saying, "I've provided a way for all of you...if you trust Me. I know you will mess up and not be able to fulfill the Law. Your best won't cut it...but my grace will be enough for you regardless." That's why Jesus' message is called the "good news". No more performing to the letter of the Law. But Jesus didn't get rid of the Law's requirements...He actually expanded them because of grace! He actually lays down some stuff that's much harder to live out...like controlling anger, lust, selfishness and stuff like that. Things no one is immune to. It is as if Jesus is saying...now that grace covers when you fall short of my demands...lets take your performance off the table...and focus on what God desires to shape in you. Things that are much harder to be manifested in our lives. Can you imagine not ever getting angry? Never lusting? Always living as if your whole life "actually" belonged to God and not you? Living to the point of all you have is "actually" God's, for His Kingdom...not for your self interest? Wow, those are some radical demands...or shall I say...a rather high bar God is trying to get us to live out. But grace would remind us that "we" can't do it...only God in us can move us in that direction. A life of love...real love...God's love. Not something mustered up in human strength, but a love born of the Spirit of God in us and through us. Grace actually removes "performance" from the equation...but increases our "dependence" on God to make a more lofty set of ideals growing within our hearts and lives possible...and worth moving towards. At ECHO, we are so excited to share this "good news"...and the opportunity to learn to live life dependent on God at a deeper level. Not a level of legalistic check lists of "do's and don'ts"...but a life that is fully surrendered and cooperating with God...not only for His Kingdom's best interests...but ours as well. God's grace doesn't excuse us from what He desires...it actually expands what He desires from us. That is, indeed, an exciting, challenging, humbling and messy process in our journey of life. But it is one worth taking. Grace invites us to live a more daring life than the Law ever could. Grace says, "let it all hang out...give all of yourself... give all you got...go for it", in a radical dependence on the God who loves you...provides for you...guides and directs you...and ultimately empowers you to live as He desires! And know that His "grace" provides the "safety net"...when we fall short...when we can't...when we aren't in the mood...when we don't understand. In those moments may "grace" remind us, not only of the love seen in God's gift...but may it remind us of the invitation to depend on Him ...even for the impossible!
be God's!
Brian O
Lead Pastor dude, ECHO

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