Fingerprints of God
Wow, is there a few too many CSI shows on TV or what? Now I enjoy watching them as much as the next guy (or gal)...but how many are there? There must be at least a half dozen of them! I'm half expecting CSI Eugene any day now! The "Crime Scene Investigation" thing is pretty cool. It's interesting to watch the clues come together to each episode's crime. The science of gathering evidence is very fascinating...amazing really. I suppose most of us didn't know the intricate details involved. It's really cool how they find DNA or fingerprints in the most unusual ways and rarely are these "clues" not present. This type of evidence is unique and points to a specific person every time, usually the one responsible. I suppose that's why we are so fascinated with CSI shows, even if there are way too many of them on TV. I believe, in a spiritual sense, God has left some clues for us as well. When we encounter certain things, we know deep down in our soul that it resonates of God. It's a moment when us humans realize we just stepped into a "God thing"...something bigger than us. Something mysterious, yet tangible somehow. The Bible says we have been created in "God's image"...His DNA is in us, so to speak. Whether one, believes in God or not, is inconsequential, because deep within the human spirit, deep within our soul, there is a God deposit of some sort. That's why we often see the "fingerprints of God" in people regardless of whether or not they are believers. When we see these "fingerprints", these God things in nature or in other people, our souls DNA chimes feels so satisfies. We want more of it, don't we? As I look at the bible a few Godly fingerprints come to mind, for example. The most obvious is love. "God is love", the bible says. Perfect love is God. When we see love in action or experience it within us...ohhhh it feels so right! Cause God made us to crave it & recognize it when we encounter it. Another example that comes to mind is the "give first" mentality. We hate that self serving thing...that selfish thing...that ego-pride thing we often see, don't we? But when we encounter people who give first, with no strings attached...well that generous, thoughtful heart seems so right on, doesn't it? Well it should, it's a Godly quality...He is a give first type of's got His fingerprints all over it! He gives each of us countless blessings...before we have responded to Him in any way. He gave us life, regardless of how we choose to live it out. In fact, Jesus died on the cross to pave the way for each of us, while "we were yet sinners", the bible says. "God gave His only that whomever should believe would not perish, but have eternal life" John 3:16 reminds us. Another God print in us, is the desire for "truth". We all crave it don't we? We want the truth. We seek after the truth. We don't want lies... deception...half truths...we want the truth. When people are truthful, wow how we love that! The bible says the "truth will set us free". Most of us would agree, even when that truth hurts some. Jesus said He is the "truth", that's how much God is into truth...once again His fingerprints are all over that...and we love it when we encounter truth don't we! Beauty...awe...wonder...ahhh we love these things don't we? God seems to speak to us deep within our souls through these things doesn't He? When we experience these moments, we hear God whisper, and its very cool, isn't it? we admire it. We love to create in our own way. We love to see others create. We love to see whats been created by human hands or in the wonders of nature. But that sense we have deep down...when we see an awesome incredible flower...a soaring eagle...a cute, cuddly, giggling baby...a fascinating interesting sculpture...hear a heart felt a poem that connects... discover an incredible invention...Wow, we love it! It's got a taste of heaven doesn't it? It's got God's fingerprints all over it! That's so cool! At ECHO, we hope to be people that discovers more & more of God's fingerprints in the world around us and in the people around us. We believe God reveals Himself in these things, and in so many more "fingerprints". This is just a few random thoughts on a handful of common "fingerprints" God has left all around us. We believe they resonate within each of us, because of that Godly DNA deposited deep within every person...that "created in God's image" stuff. When we encounter these "clues"... these "fingerprints"...we have a sense of where they come from...who's responsible for them! I believe it's God's way of drawing us toward Himself...and recognizing what He has deposited within our world and in people. It's clues designed to point us toward Him...and He's left them very intentionally. He's crazy about you...He loves you & I so we might as well get used to it! Join us, as we take time to listen...take time to observe...take time to notice...take time to feel...take time to experience... these "fingerprints of God" all around us, each and every each and every more situations than we often the hope we all grow closer to the God that's responsible for them and get a glimpse of His heart of love for each of us! Now that's something worth looking for!
be God's!
Brian O
Lead Pastor dude, ECHO
I emailed you once before. Don't know if you recall, ex pastors wife, bitter, hurt and churchless, yada yada. Anyway, wanted to say I appreciated your July 2 blog entry quite a bit. Thanks for being someone who can see God in non-believers. You hear that so rarely, though I have always passionately believed that, and seen it so much.
Also my church rebellious side appreciates your use of the word "crap" in the previous post. :) Shallow on my part, but I love reality. Hate the pseudo-piety I was so used to.
Anyway--still interested in things like--are you meeting somewhere? How is the launch process going? How did you come to the place you are..etc...
Write if you find the time.
Hi Jill--
Thanx for your honest comments...its funny how we have created "churchy" words and "non-churchy" words...Christian things and non-christian things...anyway thats another discussion.
I am so sorry for the pain you've experienced in serving people through church...I can relate. My wife and I have seen and experienced the same, as have countless others. But the hurt is real and personal for you, and for that I am truly sorry for the pain you've really sucks...I know that for sure! I will email you more details as we are meeting as a launch team preparing and practicing who God's wants us to "be" before we do anything in a public sense. It's fun...challenging...and a process. I'll email you more details.
My wife & I would love to have coffee with you & your husband sometime soon...
be God's!
Brian O
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