Clone Wars
We're in a war and it stinks! Now, I'm not talking about present headline wars or historical wars of the past. Whether those wars are justified or not, only history will tell. Predicting that is pretty complicated, emotional and definitely messy. At our core we don't like what war represents, so its very, very uncomfortable to discuss and process clearly. I think we all can agree that war in general sucks as a concept, especially...destruction...greed...casualities... power grabs...agendas. It's all crappy stuff. What especially smells to high heaven is the wars between churches. What's up with that? Every community has churches fighting for the same people...the same 20% of the population that is remotely interested in church as they've known it. So these churches all try to out "program" each other. Put on a better "show" every Sunday. "Build" a bigger, more impressive building than the other churches in town. Try to out "market" each other with slick postcards and flyers. In the end they're all battling for the same people...people who are just moving from one church to another...not really building the Kingdom Jesus asked us to build. Then the trickle down begins...a big church builds a big impressive building...or adds some hot new program...then other big churches copy it. Then the middle sized churches try to copy it also (at a smaller level), or else they'll loose some people. Then the small churches try to copy it also, so they don't lose the few they have. It's like "clone wars" among churches. My kids are excited about the new "Clone Wars" movie (as some of you Star Wars freaks are too...go ahead and admit it). But the "clone wars" among churches...that is not something to be excited about. It's quite sad. While churches compete with each other for the 20% of the community that may come to church...80% of the people are left unreached, un-cared for, and un-exposed to the Jesus who is crazy about them! It goes even further than local churches. I know many, many pastors who try to "clone" other churches stuff. If it works for that mega church dude in Ohio or Texas or Florida or California...then it'll work here in Eugene? Churches copy buildings, programs, sermons, preaching styles, the latest "tricks of the trade"? Yet in all that, while some of it may be of a little value, most of it smacks of a "quick fix mentality". Churches have often forgotten how to be to be to be led by God's creative Spirit. If we serve the Creator, shouldn't "creativity" be a part of who we are? At ECHO we hope to be different...intentionally so...for the sake of the 80% of folks who don't like church. That is a slow, patient process. It creates a very dependent way of being. It really forces one to be dependent on God and His Spirit...and learning to trust Him in the process. Would it be easier to copy what works somewhere else and make it happen? Of course! Would it expand the Kingdom of God? Very history has shown us. The bible encourages us "not" to imitate...but to initiate. Initiate under the inspiration and guidance of God's Spirit. In fact, for each of us individually, we are reminded that we are unique people...not clones. I remember many years ago when God encouraged me "to not be like Billy Graham, I already have one who is really good at the best Brian I've designed you to be, cause you're the only one I've got..." That was a very freeing thing. I believe that's a very freeing thing for each of us to rest in. I believe it can be a freeing thing for churches also...learning to rest in your God has designed you. If not, you'll enter the clone wars and try to copy...which often leads to a lot of crappy stuff...which isn't good for you or those around you. Wars are not appealing...they are very destructive...and leave lots of causalities. Perhaps that is a "clue" as to why 80% of the people in town are not in our churches. Maybe it's time to do things God's!Brian OLead Pastor dude, ECHO
1 comment:
Church leadership by rearview mirror analysis (what church X did yesterday) seems a poor way to advance the Kingdom. It's easier sometimes than earnestly and eagerly looking out the windshield into the face of God's Spirit with discernment, but the results can be lackluster. I pray your community experiences the fullness of God's transforming impact as you seek His likeness and movement over templates!
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