I was in the shower the other day...I know that seems like an unnecessary detail and perhaps a bit creepy to consider but... after working in the yard all day with my family, mowing lawns, ripping out old fences, digging holes and hauling a bunch of crap off to the dump...it seems refreshing to mention 'I was in the shower'. Anyway, as I was 'refreshing' (ya now that sounds better don't it?) I began to consider what the bible calls the "fruit" of the Spirit. It's aspects and characteristics are listed in Galatians 5:22 and 23; "love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." As I ponder these characteristics, I thought, "wow, those are attractive qualities to find in someone". Then I began to honestly look at most who call themselves Christian and asked, "Are we known for those qualities?" Ouch. Then I looked at myself...ugggghhh, double ouch!! Like a freind of mine said recently, "I'm trying to be a Christian". I think I like that, it sounds more like a process...a journey...a desire...even though I haven't got it all figured out yet. Ya, I got some growing to do...how 'bout you? You see, the fruit of the Spirit is what grows in us and through us, as we grow more and more like God and His love is evident in us. Unlike the gifts of the Spirit, the fruit is nurtured and can be developed in us. Spiritual gifts are given by God, our only choice is to accept them or not, like any gift in the natural, like a birthday gift, for example. But the fruit of the Spirit can be nurtured, fertilized, watered, cared for and intentionally grown in our lives. Yes the source is God, His love birthed in us, but these characteristics are the out-flow of His love in us to others. You see the fruit, the characteristics listed in Galatians are best expressed relationally, one person to another. Oh you can be at peace all by yourself. But what has a greater impact is when others see and experience the peace you have. It's interesting as you look at each characteristic of the fruit of the Spirit, how they all are best experienced and expressed in relationship with others. I think that's by God's design. He is relational by nature, and desires us to be also. As we love Him with all we got, His love grows in us and flows out to others...often evidenced in these very characteristics...these fruit. Fruit that is attractive, draws people and is tasty to experience. It has an impact on others, which is what God has always designed His love to do! When we look at some of these, we often miss, or even don't know what they are. For example, God's peace, is not an absence of conflict as we often think peace should be...its the ability to have peace in the midst of turmoil & chaos. That peace that surpasses all understanding! Now that's attractive. That's noticeable to others. That's something we all desire, and know it when we see it. In a world that does not see Jesus followers walking in very many of these qualities, is it any wonder they are not attracted? But if...if we did allow God to grow these aspects of His love in us...if we could seek to develop these things...if we intentionally desired to live a life that oozes these characteristics...do you think people may be drawn towards the Jesus in us? You bet...that's when, as in the book of Acts, people say stuff like..."we can see how much you love..." God pours out some incredible things by His Spirit as we walk in the fruit of that same Spirit; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. In fact, many believers seek after miracles and powerful demonstrations of the gifts of the Spirit, in hopes that it will spark some revival in them and the community they in...yet history tells us a different story. Throughout history, authentic spiritual revivals or awakenings, were not centered in miracles & powerful gifts manifested...it was centered in a deep pursuit of God's best and an exponential growth in the manifestations of the "fruit" of God's Spirit in those that follow Him. It was the fruit of God's Spirit that drew people...touched people...changed people...and fanned the flames of what God was doing. It's a lesson we often forget. I suppose it seems "more God like" for the "big show"...the big miracle...but for whatever reason God more often uses imperfect people like you & me...in relationship. Now that's harder...it takes more of me. More of me in cooperation with God. It takes more of me to invest in another. Yet somehow, someway, God uses it and when he does...wow, we get blessed...and so does the one we reach out to! At ECHO we want to be "tasty" people. We desire to be people that folks go, "what's up with you guys, you're different?" We want to be refreshingly different...on purpose! Join us as we grow in God's love personally and in expressing it authentically to others!May God's love be yours & flow through you to others!Brian OLead Pastor dude, ECHO
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