It's interesting the conversations you have with people once you decide to call yourself "a church for people who don't like church." I've spoken with friends and new acquaintances alike who often take that statement a variety of ways. At ECHO we have intentionally labeled ourself that way for a very specific we believe is consistent with the heart of God. Many seem "to get it" and rapidly embrace the concept and the spirit behind it. Others, usually Christians, sometimes are confused by the statement. A friend recently said, "it's like you telling me you don't like my wife...well that would tick me off." In context he was referring to how God may view the statement "a church for people who don't like church." In the bible it defines the "church" as those that are true followers of Jesus. It also calls the "church", the "bride" of Jesus. Hence the logic of his statement. But let's unpack this a bit first. A simple Christian take may lead you to that conclusion, but an examination of it would show why it's confusing to some Christians...yet makes sense to the "not-yet-believers". Biblically the "church" is defined as the true followers of Jesus. The bible makes it clear that not all who claim to be followers of Jesus are "true". In fact in the last judgement it says many will come and say they did all sorts of "churchy things" (serving, preaching, give money, praying, healing, miracles etc...) and yet Jesus responds to them "go away for I never knew you". The key to a "true follower" is not what he/she does, but who their relationship is's in "knowing Jesus" and "being known by Him". Balance that view of the biblical "church" versus what we in our culture call "church". Churches to us are organizations, denominational systems, institutions etc... Within "churches" there surely are "true followers of Jesus", but its safe to assume that there also is some "doing churchy things" that are not truly in relationship with Jesus. Their motivation for being "in church" maybe be for a host of things: friends, family, guilt relief, assistance, the cool music, the status, business connections etc... But let's not confuse our institutions called "churches" with what Jesus calls His church. It's a very key distinction. As the old saying goes, "standing in a garage does not make you a car", and so it goes with church. Attending one does not necessarily make you a true follower of Jesus. Now with that understanding let's be honest and say that many things we do "in church" are not biblical. They are man made creations, systems and preferences. Some are biblical and point towards Jesus...other things are hindrances and push people away from Jesus (or at least push them away from the people that represent Him). When a "not-yet-believer" says "I don't like church" they are usually referring to our man made institutions and systems that we call "church". They don't like our representation of Jesus and the clumsy way we often present the Good News of God's love, grace & mercy. So they stay away...untrusting...suspicious...hurt...and confused. When most people say they "don't like church" they are not dissing Jesus' bride (as my friend implied). In fact most "not-yet-believers" do not even grasp the theological concept of the "church being the bride of Christ". To them the concept is foreign. I will also venture to say that when they say they "don't like church" they are not even bashing those "true followers of Jesus" out fact most wish they saw more of that "true Jesus follower stuff" evident in our lives. So let's be fair and say they have a point when they say "they don't like church"... because we often give them enough ammo to criticize what we call "church". Even some "true followers of Jesus" would join them in saying the same thing! At ECHO we hope to be a church that represents Jesus simply, accurately, and in love. It's a big responsibility, one we don't take lightly. We recognize the pain of those hurt, rejected or confused by the "church" and desire to reach out without the trappings of modern church culture and present Jesus in such a way that anyone can safely explore who He we journey with you and "all your stuff"...praying and encouraging you, as God reveals Himself to you... so that you can experience Him for yourself!
be God's!
Brian O
Lead Pastor dude, ECHO
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