Perspective? How often does our perspective get in the way? For some, it is a set of bias that have been inbred over many, many years. For others it is a "new" revelation that has opened them up to some "enlightened" viewpoint. But rarely, or shall I say it totally ours! We cannot help but be shaped by our environment, whether that be family or friends or philosophical input from various "experts". The key is, what "environment" do you "live" in? What "environment" do you place yourself in? For many it is an issue of the "environment" they were placed in, and how to escape its trappings. Isn't it interesting to see how, so often, we place ourselves in poor environments that have proven to reap hurt and confusion in our lives...or how we allow ourselves to remain in painful environments that we were placed in by others or by circumstance? How ironic that we should allow ourselves to be so "influenced", even to our detriment. We see a world where people are screaming out for "freedom" from that which binds them up. For some it is the memory's of abuse...for other's the "living hell" of addiction (alcohol, drugs, sexual etc...)...for some it's the guilt of bad choices made in their past...or the lack of hope for a better future. Psychologists and Counselors are making millions of dollars, as people desperately scramble to be set free. Many are willing to do almost anything to be free from their "bondage", that "curse" that seems to weigh them down. The "good news" is that there is a way to break the "chains" that bind us. There is a "freedom" that can set us free. There is a "hope", that can guide and direct us into a future of unspeakable joy and fulfillment. There is a "relief" from our guilt. There is a "healing" for our pain...past, present and future! At ECHO we want to journey with you on that discovery. We desire to encourage you as you explore these very things for yourself. The "key", once again is your environment. The environment you "choose" to place yourself in. In the presence of loving people that care enough to point you towards a loving God. A God who chose to reach out to you in Jesus, to share your pain, to take your guilt away, to give you hope, to bring you joy, and to give you genuine freedom! By allowing ourselves to live in His allowing His perspective to guide our trusting His guidance over our own...we discover what true freedom can be. A freedom to know you're on the "right track" and that you are focused on the right perspective!
Today consider these 5 biblical truths as you explore God's design of freedom for you:
"Jesus is a light unto your path." psalm 119:105
"Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life." john 14:5
"Jesus came to set the captives free." luke 4:18
"Jesus did not come into the world to condemn the world...
...but to save it." john 3:17
"When you are free in Jesus, you are free indeed." john 8:36
be God's!
Brian O
Lead Pastor dude, ECHO
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