Saturday, May 31, 2008

Hardwired to Connect

They say the human heart has a "void" that we all are trying to fill throughout our life's journey. I think we all realize it at some deep down level within each of us. CS Lewis often alludes to a "God-shaped hole". Augustine points to it in his writings. Blaise Pascal implied it when he stated, “There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of every person, and it can never be filled by any created thing. It can only be filled by God, made known through Jesus Christ.” Philosopher's and theologians alike have often determined that this "void" is never filled with anything but what it was designed to accommodate. The Master Designer in His desire to draw us towards Himself has made each of us with a "hole" that only He can fill. A remarkably ingenius way to allow us humans to crave a knowing of their Creator. It's like a relational magnet within our spirit that draws us. I read an interesting report from the Commission on Children at Risk that seems to validate this very concept and more. Our culture is plagued with what's known as "at risk children". It's not a new fact many "at risk kids" are now grown into adults and are now having their own "at risk children". At risk children are the effects of divorce, broken homes, single parent households, latch key environments, drug abuse, workaholism and various other disintegration factors of the traditional stable family environment. The number one cause of this crisis? The conclusion in this study says that as human beings we have been designed to be "connected". They term it as humans are "hardwired to connect". To quote the study, "In large measure, what's causing this crisis of American childhood is a lack of connectedness. We mean two kinds of connectedness---close connections to other people, and deep connections to moral & spiritual meaning." Jesus stated something very similar when He was asked what the greatest commandment was, He replied, "Love God with your whole heart, whole mind and whole soul. And... love others as you love yourself." Jesus tells us that God's desire is for us to live in connected relationship with God and with other people. We've been "hardwired" that way by our Creator. In a sense we have 2 relational holes within our soul that God has put within us...a void that yearns to know God in authentic relationship and a void that yearns to know others in a loving, genuine relationship. God said it was "not good for us to be alone" in Genesis, He said it from the beginning. Now as humans perhaps we are beginning to understand the value of "connectedness"...and the destructive outcomes of "aloneness". This study goes on to say we have learned to be experts in medicating & pyscho-analyzing our lack of "connectedness" but we have failed miserably as a culture in learning how to "connect". Yet, God has the pursuit of the answer hard-wired within each of us. God in His mercy desires us to be in right relationship with Him and in right relationship with each other. He's made us to crave it, to discover it, and to thrive within it. At ECHO we strive to create a safe environment for each of us to explore this discover it's significance... and to thrive in it's embrace. Join us as we learn to connect with God and with each other in authentic, genuine we were "hardwired" to experience...from the beginning!

be God's!
Brian O
Lead Pastor dude, ECHO

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Creativity, Puzzle Pieces & Awe

My wife and I were in Austin, Texas last month. We were there for a gathering of pastors from around the country, about 25 in all, who have a heart to "do church" differently. It is very "relationally focused" in "how we do church", but more importantly, in "how we live life". As followers of Jesus, an ever growing relationship with God and with other people is what we are told "should be our priority". As Jesus said, "Love God & love others". Simple, yet profound and challenging to actually live out. We enjoy this group for that reason. We love the challenge and growth that comes as we consider this "simple truth", and actually try to live it out and model it for others. Before our last gathering, we had an extra day, so we decided to walk along the river that flows through downtown Austin. It was a sunny day with a cool breeze...awesome! Then we got lucky! The Austin Art Walk was happening. The Art Walk is a renowned art show in the streets of Austin, outdoors, with artists from all over. Great food, live music, and the creative overflow of these unique artists. Wow, what a cool break for us. I have a Bachelors degree in Art, so I love these opportunities, and my wife is very creative herself, so together this is fun for us. I love the many varied expressions of life depicted in these artists wares. What a unique bunch we stumbled upon. It was awe inspiring. It reminded me of the Creator Himself and His heart to cause create a sense of awe. The bible says we are created in His image, so apparently we have a creative flair from the Masters touch on our lives. It was truly evident in the works we saw that afternoon at the Art Walk. It is truly evident daily as we stop to take in the wonder of God's see an artist at see the results of His hearts creation. That's very cool. What amazes me most about God is how it all works together. Creation...plants... all works together in this beautiful, complex way that's wonderful. Jesus describes "the church" that way also. He speaks of the "true followers" of Him as being His "body", and that each one is a "part" of that body. A puzzle piece "if you will" that is essential to complete the whole. He taught of the many valuable parts, many unseen (kidneys, spleen, liver etc...), many seemingly insignificant (toes, fingers, ears etc...) yet so important. In this analogy of His body and our place in it, I believe it would allow for "churches" of various personalities & functions sharing together in what would be known as the "body" of true believers. At ECHO we intentionally are living out a different expression of Jesus to bring greater health to the "church body" Jesus desires. In fact Jesus warned that the "body parts" should not try to imitate and strive to be "like" a part they admired or desired to be. ECHO is intentional in not imitating the typical church in Eugene/Springfield...we're not striving to be like...or take the place of...another "part". We choose to be a unique part, perhaps not a pretty part like an eye, but a very crucial part...perhaps like the butt! Cause every body needs one...and we're willing to be it. Because somehow, someway, as we all take our place, we compliment each other, and in the end we will be in awe of how the Master has put it all together! ECHO loves its place...because Eugene/Springfield needs a part that's been missing...and we hope to be it. For the sake of those not yet reached with an authentic expression of God's love...we gladly take our place...even if its at the rear, so to speak. Hey we all need a you can sit and you can deal with your you can hold your pants up as you live life.
You know, come to think of it, that pretty well sums up ECHO also!

be God's!
Brian O
Lead Pastor dude, ECHO

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Hey Don't Mess With My Wife!

It's interesting the conversations you have with people once you decide to call yourself "a church for people who don't like church." I've spoken with friends and new acquaintances alike who often take that statement a variety of ways. At ECHO we have intentionally labeled ourself that way for a very specific we believe is consistent with the heart of God. Many seem "to get it" and rapidly embrace the concept and the spirit behind it. Others, usually Christians, sometimes are confused by the statement. A friend recently said, "it's like you telling me you don't like my wife...well that would tick me off." In context he was referring to how God may view the statement "a church for people who don't like church." In the bible it defines the "church" as those that are true followers of Jesus. It also calls the "church", the "bride" of Jesus. Hence the logic of his statement. But let's unpack this a bit first. A simple Christian take may lead you to that conclusion, but an examination of it would show why it's confusing to some Christians...yet makes sense to the "not-yet-believers". Biblically the "church" is defined as the true followers of Jesus. The bible makes it clear that not all who claim to be followers of Jesus are "true". In fact in the last judgement it says many will come and say they did all sorts of "churchy things" (serving, preaching, give money, praying, healing, miracles etc...) and yet Jesus responds to them "go away for I never knew you". The key to a "true follower" is not what he/she does, but who their relationship is's in "knowing Jesus" and "being known by Him". Balance that view of the biblical "church" versus what we in our culture call "church". Churches to us are organizations, denominational systems, institutions etc... Within "churches" there surely are "true followers of Jesus", but its safe to assume that there also is some "doing churchy things" that are not truly in relationship with Jesus. Their motivation for being "in church" maybe be for a host of things: friends, family, guilt relief, assistance, the cool music, the status, business connections etc... But let's not confuse our institutions called "churches" with what Jesus calls His church. It's a very key distinction. As the old saying goes, "standing in a garage does not make you a car", and so it goes with church. Attending one does not necessarily make you a true follower of Jesus. Now with that understanding let's be honest and say that many things we do "in church" are not biblical. They are man made creations, systems and preferences. Some are biblical and point towards Jesus...other things are hindrances and push people away from Jesus (or at least push them away from the people that represent Him). When a "not-yet-believer" says "I don't like church" they are usually referring to our man made institutions and systems that we call "church". They don't like our representation of Jesus and the clumsy way we often present the Good News of God's love, grace & mercy. So they stay away...untrusting...suspicious...hurt...and confused. When most people say they "don't like church" they are not dissing Jesus' bride (as my friend implied). In fact most "not-yet-believers" do not even grasp the theological concept of the "church being the bride of Christ". To them the concept is foreign. I will also venture to say that when they say they "don't like church" they are not even bashing those "true followers of Jesus" out fact most wish they saw more of that "true Jesus follower stuff" evident in our lives. So let's be fair and say they have a point when they say "they don't like church"... because we often give them enough ammo to criticize what we call "church". Even some "true followers of Jesus" would join them in saying the same thing! At ECHO we hope to be a church that represents Jesus simply, accurately, and in love. It's a big responsibility, one we don't take lightly. We recognize the pain of those hurt, rejected or confused by the "church" and desire to reach out without the trappings of modern church culture and present Jesus in such a way that anyone can safely explore who He we journey with you and "all your stuff"...praying and encouraging you, as God reveals Himself to you... so that you can experience Him for yourself!

be God's!
Brian O
Lead Pastor dude, ECHO

Friday, May 9, 2008


If you haven't noticed yet, we have our very own radio bot to the upper right, on this page. ECHOsounds is a mix of over 100 songs that make you think, rock, reflect, celebrate, worship and groove. Equal parts modern rock, classic rock, modern worship, christian rock... with a dash of hip hop and some funky stuff thrown in, just for fun. So whether you are hanging out at home or the office, join with many of us as you come to this ECHO blog site...hit play on ECHOsounds...and enjoy a random mix of some very cool tunes. Maybe some of your friends would enjoy them as well? Enjoy the joy of music as it connects with your soul and brightens your day!

If you have any song suggestions let us know.

Isn't it cool how God can speak through a 4 minute song?

be God's!
Brian O
Lead Pastor dude, ECHO

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Environmental Concern

Perspective? How often does our perspective get in the way? For some, it is a set of bias that have been inbred over many, many years. For others it is a "new" revelation that has opened them up to some "enlightened" viewpoint. But rarely, or shall I say it totally ours! We cannot help but be shaped by our environment, whether that be family or friends or philosophical input from various "experts". The key is, what "environment" do you "live" in? What "environment" do you place yourself in? For many it is an issue of the "environment" they were placed in, and how to escape its trappings. Isn't it interesting to see how, so often, we place ourselves in poor environments that have proven to reap hurt and confusion in our lives...or how we allow ourselves to remain in painful environments that we were placed in by others or by circumstance? How ironic that we should allow ourselves to be so "influenced", even to our detriment. We see a world where people are screaming out for "freedom" from that which binds them up. For some it is the memory's of abuse...for other's the "living hell" of addiction (alcohol, drugs, sexual etc...)...for some it's the guilt of bad choices made in their past...or the lack of hope for a better future. Psychologists and Counselors are making millions of dollars, as people desperately scramble to be set free. Many are willing to do almost anything to be free from their "bondage", that "curse" that seems to weigh them down. The "good news" is that there is a way to break the "chains" that bind us. There is a "freedom" that can set us free. There is a "hope", that can guide and direct us into a future of unspeakable joy and fulfillment. There is a "relief" from our guilt. There is a "healing" for our pain...past, present and future! At ECHO we want to journey with you on that discovery. We desire to encourage you as you explore these very things for yourself. The "key", once again is your environment. The environment you "choose" to place yourself in. In the presence of loving people that care enough to point you towards a loving God. A God who chose to reach out to you in Jesus, to share your pain, to take your guilt away, to give you hope, to bring you joy, and to give you genuine freedom! By allowing ourselves to live in His allowing His perspective to guide our trusting His guidance over our own...we discover what true freedom can be. A freedom to know you're on the "right track" and that you are focused on the right perspective!

Today consider these 5 biblical truths as you explore God's design of freedom for you:
"Jesus is a light unto your path." psalm 119:105
"Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life." john 14:5
"Jesus came to set the captives free." luke 4:18
"Jesus did not come into the world to condemn the world...
...but to save it." john 3:17
"When you are free in Jesus, you are free indeed." john 8:36

be God's!
Brian O
Lead Pastor dude, ECHO