It's weird, as I was reading some articles recently about how un-churched we are here in Eugene and in Oregon in general, I was unsettled. It seemed to say people here don't care or aren't "into" God. I didn't buy that implication. Eugene is definitely a "spiritual place". Most people I meet have some spiritual side to their life they are wrestling with...though some are definitely creative in their spiritual openness. In fact, spiritual concepts of almost any type will fly here. Not all may agree with you, but most people are open to "your spiritual journey" and admire your search. Some may feel they've arrived in a safe place. Some land in Eastern religious ideas like Buddhism or Hinduism or Taoism, for some, modern variations brought to us through New Age concepts are more appealing, for others, they look to more "natural" religious ideas such as Wicca and its variations, others like the feel of a Unitarian "all religions are equal...many paths to the same god" concept. In Eugene, where individualism reigns supreme, its no surprise that it carries over to spiritual things. We tend to pick and choose what works for us...kind of a spiritual smorgasbord. It all points to a spiritual openness, a search of the soul & spirit. I read where only 27% of Oregonians claim any affiliation with any established religion (not just Christianity). A percent or two each are Buddhists, Jewish, Mormon, Jehovah Witnesses, Unitarian etc... which left 20% of Oregonians affiliated with a Christian church. That means 80% of our population have not experienced a knowing of Jesus in a meaningful way (yet). So it makes me wonder. Is it that they are not interested? Most I talk to like Jesus, He seems like a pretty cool guy, someone we need to see more of in our world. Jesus-likeness and what He stood for, to most people is desireable. So why the disconnect? Is it that they have not seen Jesus expressed in a way that is attractive to them? Maybe they don't like what they've seen? Maybe what we "say we believe" isn't evident in how we live out our church life? Maybe the way we "do church" is only attractive to the 20%? So what about the other 80%? At ECHO we hope to be intentionally different for the sake of the 80%. Its a challenge, yet a privilege, to give people a safe place to "explore" the love of the hope they may "experience" it they can "express" it authentically to others! We have to believe Jesus is not content to reach only the 20%...His heart aches for the 80% who have been wounded, disillusioned, or confused by what "church has presented". Our hope is to be refreshingly different for the sake of the 80%. Jesus spoke of the shepherd leaving the 99 sheep to find the one who had wandered off and was in danger. I have to believe He'd leave the 20 sheep to pursue the 80 who had wandered off as well. That's His hearts motivation and it should be ours!
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