I remember when I went to Europe several years ago. One of the most amazing things I consistently saw in the 7 countries I went to was the awesome cathedrals. Amazing works of art. Incredible architecture, stained glass, marble columns, carved altars and statues were everywhere. Every small village and town had them. The majesty, wonder and awe of these structures built hundreds of years ago, was so impressive, yet so sad. You see each weekend many of these cathedrals were empty. Hardly anyone attended their church services, and those that did seemed to take the wonder of the cathedral for granted...they were no longer impressed. Its a sad lesson. One I'm afraid we haven't learned yet. In our striving to "grow" churches we spend so much of our time, energy and resources on creating impressive programs and sprucing up our impressive buildings. Actually "we" may be impressing "ourselves", but the people we are trying to reach are not impressed! We've spent millions of dollars and countless hours of energy on things "we're impressed with", yet our churches are not growing. Oh sure, you may attract "other church people" to see your cool programs or spiffy new building...but statistics show we may actually be pushing the "not-yet-believer" further away. 90% of churches in America are shrinking or have plateaued. 10,000 "empty" churches a year are closing. Many churches look self-indulgent rather than like self-less servants of the community. I read where 91% of people do not think that churches care about their needs. Even more shocking is that 74% of Christians do not think their church cares about their needs. I think I hear God crying. How it must break His heart. Our church budgets are stretched to the max as we "compete" for the same believers, trying to out "wow" each other...while people with real needs go unattended...even unnoticed. Perhaps our "if we build it they will come" mentality is keeping people away, rather than attracting them. The "come and see" mentality to church is not working. Clearly the "not-yet-believers" are not impressed. In fact their first criticism is..."they just want my money." I wonder where they get that idea? Maybe, just maybe, our attempts to attract them is actually pushing them further away. Just another brick in the wall that separates them from a God that's crazy about them. There has to be a better way. At ECHO we are intentional about being different than most churches. Instead of being a "come and see" type of church, we choose to be a "go and be" church. We choose to invest our time, energy and resources in serving the people of our community in real, tangible ways that look and feel (to them) like we're loving and serving them as Jesus would. Tearing down the wall, brick by brick, one act of love at a time. Our hope is that as we authenticly care for our community, people will experience the love of God...as we do...when we experience it AND express it.
be God's!
Brian O
Lead Pastor dude, ECHO