Prayer is really just talking with God. Whether it is done within the heart silently, or out loud, or in written word, it is quite simply, communicating what's on your mind with the God who loves you enough to listen. At ECHO we realize prayer is quite powerful, yet mysterious. If God knows our hearts, our motives, and why we do what we do...then why tell Him about it? If God knows our past, present & future...then why hash it out with Him? These are legitimate questions...but I believe they are answered in God's motivation for "relationship". We often make it some kind of mystical, intimidating, boring exercise of faith...but it really is more practical and essential than we make it. You see, for example, I often know what my kids have on their minds, or want to ask me for...but I usually wait for them to speak it, whenever they are that the time may be right...and it may be an opportunity of trust in conversation that is another building block in our ongoing relationship. With every question they ask me, or every concern they share with me, or every dream they are brave enough to tell me...I love them even more. It is extra glue to our relationship...I see their soul a bit...I enter their world a bit...and it is so cool that they invite me into it as well. I think that is how God feels towards us. As we ask the questions...lay out our concerns...pray through our dreams...His heart is moved towards us...and our hearts are moved trustingly towards Him...and that's a good thing. I don't know how all this prayer thing works...but I know it moves my heart towards that's gotta be good. I don't always get the answer I want, but it takes more of me to trust...when the answer is a "no"...than when it's a "yes". I suppose I deepen my relationship more in those times...rather than a "Sugar Daddy god" or a "Parachute god"...I find a loving Father, who knows whats best...and often whats best is "wait"...or even a "no". If I can trust Him in those prayer moments...then I know my relationship is deepening...and I will grow. If the truth be said..."Faith is trusting God even when it doesn't make sense."
I read this recently, it's some thoughts on talking to God by Carolyn Arends, and I thought how much we all might relate, she writes: "I have prayed many types of prayers throughout my life, but my haphazard list of prayers is quite different from most. I have been a specialist in the "Let's Make a Deal" school of prayer: if you will only let me pass this test (for which I have not read the textbook), then I will spend the rest of my life earnestly studying in a convent somewhere. My years of frequent travel have also honed my "Turbulence Prayers." Typically whispered on airplanes that appear destined to crash, these prayers focus on achieving "meet my Maker readiness: God, if there's anything not right between us, I confess it now. I can also claim extensive experience with "Futility Prayers", prayers that seldom work, but are prayed passionately anyway. Please make my newborn sleep through the night, is one Futility Prayer. Another is: please don't let me throw up!
However theologically incorrect my prayers may be, I have discovered that whatever is in my heart must either be prayed out or left to fester. And so I dare to utter my petty, self-interested requests, trusting--praying--that the Holy Spirit will intercede on my behalf with groans my words (or lack thereof) cannot express, translating my impetuous, childish gibberish into communion with God.
When I read that if I ask God for bread, He will not give me a stone, I realize that He not only desires to give me what I need, but he also wants me to come to Him and ask for it. This to me is the greatest miracle, the deeper mystery--the God of the Universe wants me to speak with Him. Heaven knows I am not a great conversationalist--I talk too much, listen too little--but He desires my company anyway.
There is so much I want to learn about prayer. Can our requests change the course of history? Can we change the mind and will of God? Are the hand of fate and the hand of God locked in some sort of wrestling match that hinges on our prayers? I have received certain and dramatic answers to some of my prayers. To others I have been able to perceive nothing but the deafening roar of silence. In some cases I have eventually discovered why my prayers were answered with a "no" or a "not yet." In many others I remain bewildered. But I will study the Scriptures and I will wait on the Lord and I am hopeful that more will be revealed, as I learn to trust Him. Regardless, I will pray, because He asks me to, and understanding usually follows obedience, and because my life would not be worth living if I could not cry out to the God who gave it to me!
However uncertain I am about the way prayer changes the unfolding of events, I have been shown clearly that prayer changes me! When I begin to pray for an enemy, my heart like a fist clenched in anger, I am opened up until I can no longer hold the resentment and frustration. When I plead..."Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner", I travel a little deeper into the mercy of God. When I confess..."I believe, yet help my unbelief," my faith is made a little stronger.
And so I pray. Whether I am praying from a surrendered or stubborn heart, I speak with the God of Creation. I am ushered, sometimes reverent, sometimes willful, never worthy...into His presence. When the language is beyond me, it is spoken on my behalf. I pray for the wisdom to learn about prayer, and for the courage to pray the prayers that will change me..."
be God's!
Brian O
Lead Pastor dude
Friends Community Church
Tyler, Texas
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Sunday, December 25, 2011
In a world where we all crave to "belong", we try so hard to find "our spot". Some people take on the persona of those they want to be accepted by...others change their clothing style, haircuts, the way they talk, the music they listen to, even the food they eat...just to "fit in." In our vain attempts to find "our place", we often become less of who we really are, so that others will accept us...ironic isn't it? Perhaps that is why one of the coolest messages that Christmas screams to us is that "you belong!" God loved us enough that He reached down to each of us, through His Son Jesus, to let us know personally that we are invited. He could have sat up in His heavenlies, kickin back on His throne, watching us peons try to figure this thing out...and maybe, just maybe some of us may "do good enough" to make it into His presence. But instead, He came to earth as one of us, to show us the way. A personal invitation, if you will. In the flesh, He humbled Himself, not only in teaching us personally about the Kingdom of God...but He also made a way for everyone to get there! The bible says "there is no greater love than this, that a person lay down His life for another". Think about it...God sacrificed that we can be with Him...because we belong. We were designed by God to spend eternity in relationship with Him. In His great love He layed down His life in the flesh and died, paying the price for each of us. The bible says, "the wages of sin is death"...and Jesus made sure we didn't have to pay that price! God chose to submit to His own penalty, on our behalf, because we belong with Him...not apart from Him. Now the only choice for each of us you trust enough to enter into a relationship with the God who loves you and has made a way. The key to belonging is being willing to belong. The key to finding your place is trusting the One who knows the way. We each have that choice, to take our rightful place... because of Jesus. And that wonderful truth...the fantastic story of the baby in a where it all begins. And that is worth celebrating! For the bible also says, "that God wills that no one should perish, but would have eternal life". So God's heart is evident in His words and His actions...that we all belong! We belong in eternal relationship with the One who is Love. We belong eternally in a place where there is no more sin, pain, tears or brokenness. We belong at the table...we belong to the family...we have a place. As a hand fits perfectly into the sand, so you fit perfectly in your place that God has prepared for you, in His Kingdom. At Friends, we hope to create an environment that makes room for everyone...because you "belong." That's God's heart...and it should be ours as well. This isn't just a Christmas should be an everyday thing...because you do belong...and we are so glad for that!
Merry Jesus Birthday...where your story begins...
be God's!
Brian O
Lead Pastor dude
Friends Community Church
Tyler, Texas
Merry Jesus Birthday...where your story begins...
be God's!
Brian O
Lead Pastor dude
Friends Community Church
Tyler, Texas
Thursday, December 8, 2011
If You Wanna Be a Rebel
Talk is cheap
What kind of mess do we have here?
Right is wrong and right just isn't clear
Where's the compassion in people's lives today?
We want to bring them in, but we push them all away
Should we stand for mediocrity?
Should we stand for mediocrity?
What do we mean by Christianity?
We throw our words around thinking we're doing great
Love is what we need, it goes against the grain it goes!
Against the grain!
With all we think we know
I would rather go!!!
Against the grain!!!
Some say screaming is all you have to do
But I say that's a lie that I can see right thru
Words mean nothing until you show you care
Look them in the eye, You know there's something there
What kind of mess do we have here?
What kind of mess do we have here?
Wrong is right and right just isn't clear
If you want to be a rebel, well maybe now's the time
To understand the truth and throw down all the lies
And go
Against the grain!!!
words and music by Mike Stand and Ric Alba
"Against the Grain"
be God's!
Lead Pastor dude
Friends Community Church
Tyler, Texas
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