Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Grace Misunderstood

This past summer, as we were on vacation, we came upon 2 signs that seemed "opposite in spirit" yet "compatible" at the same time. As we drove from Arkansas into Texas, from the northeast near Texarkana, we saw a sign warning us "don't mess with Texas", with a huge $1,000 fine for littering (I think its $186 in Oregon for perspective). This sign didn't feel very welcoming... in fact some might think it was uninviting, to say the least. Right behind this sign, was a colorful sign with the Lone Star state's flag proudly declaring "Welcome to Texas". With a caption saying, in a friendly sort of way, "drive friendly...the Texas way". One sign seems to tell the visitor "don't screw up or you're toast". While the other says, "Hey, just work with me on this...trust me...it'll be OK". I love how those two signs are juxtaposed against each other... seemingly opposites...but in reality saying the same thing consistently, two different ways. Grace is much like that. The concept of "grace" as Jesus taught it and expressed it, is often seen as the opposite of much of what the scripture declares. It can almost seem as if "grace" says, "hey, forget that other stuff". But in reality grace is not a blanket dismissal of all the declarations of scripture, as some may assume. Some would suggest that all the law, wisdom, counsel and dictates of scripture have been set aside in favor of an age of grace. A grace that says, "that other stuff doesn't matter anymore, so don't sweat it". Some would say grace absolves our responsibility in many things scripture declares. In actuality grace may indeed be saying something very different than we realize. For instance, when looking at the teachings of Jesus, we actually see that grace broadens our response to God...rather than absolving us of it. The Law (of scripture) tells us we should not kill. Jesus tells us that when we have anger in our heart, we've committed murder. The Law tells us not to commit adultery...Jesus says when we lust in our heart, we already have committed sexual sin. The Law says we should give offerings of at least 10% (a tithe or tenth) to God's purposes...Jesus declares that "everything" is His, and we are given responsibility in how we use it...for our purposes or for God's purposes. The Old Testament had one day as the Lord's Day...Jesus let us know He wants our whole life, every day. You see, the Law of scripture may actually require less than Jesus asks. As you read Jesus' words carefully, you actually see He is asking for a much higher standard than the Law does. But how can that be? Wasn't Jesus all about delivering a message of "grace"? How do those two road signs fit together? They seem contradictory... not compatible? So what's the deal? There is one big difference in the mix. The Law required we met it by the letter, or else we were disqualified. We were bound by performance to the Laws requirement. It was a "Don't Mess With the Law" kind of feeling...and the penalty was much bigger than a $1,000 bucks...it was death! The result of messing up in following the Law meant the death penalty... sometimes literally...all the time spiritually. With Jesus He brings the "Drive Friendly" vibe...the Welcome mat is out...we call it "grace". Grace is that wonderful gift provided by Jesus, that covers us when we don't meet the demands of the Law. When we miss the letter of Law...the Spirit of grace leads the way. Jesus, motivated by love, invites us all through grace...by saying, "I've provided a way for all of you...if you trust Me. I know you will mess up and not be able to fulfill the Law. Your best won't cut it...but my grace will be enough for you regardless." That's why Jesus' message is called the "good news". No more performing to the letter of the Law. But Jesus didn't get rid of the Law's requirements...He actually expanded them because of grace! He actually lays down some stuff that's much harder to live out...like controlling anger, lust, selfishness and stuff like that. Things no one is immune to. It is as if Jesus is saying...now that grace covers when you fall short of my demands...lets take your performance off the table...and focus on what God desires to shape in you. Things that are much harder to be manifested in our lives. Can you imagine not ever getting angry? Never lusting? Always living as if your whole life "actually" belonged to God and not you? Living to the point of all you have is "actually" God's, for His Kingdom...not for your self interest? Wow, those are some radical demands...or shall I say...a rather high bar God is trying to get us to live out. But grace would remind us that "we" can't do it...only God in us can move us in that direction. A life of love...real love...God's love. Not something mustered up in human strength, but a love born of the Spirit of God in us and through us. Grace actually removes "performance" from the equation...but increases our "dependence" on God to make a more lofty set of ideals growing within our hearts and lives possible...and worth moving towards. At ECHO, we are so excited to share this "good news"...and the opportunity to learn to live life dependent on God at a deeper level. Not a level of legalistic check lists of "do's and don'ts"...but a life that is fully surrendered and cooperating with God...not only for His Kingdom's best interests...but ours as well. God's grace doesn't excuse us from what He desires...it actually expands what He desires from us. That is, indeed, an exciting, challenging, humbling and messy process in our journey of life. But it is one worth taking. Grace invites us to live a more daring life than the Law ever could. Grace says, "let it all hang out...give all of yourself... give all you got...go for it", in a radical dependence on the God who loves you...provides for you...guides and directs you...and ultimately empowers you to live as He desires! And know that His "grace" provides the "safety net"...when we fall short...when we can't...when we aren't in the mood...when we don't understand. In those moments may "grace" remind us, not only of the love seen in God's gift...but may it remind us of the invitation to depend on Him ...even for the impossible!
be God's!
Brian O
Lead Pastor dude, ECHO

Thursday, September 17, 2009

But What About Me?

Have you ever walked through city streets, only to hear a distant
phone booth ringing? Now in today's culture, phone booths are rare. With the advent of cell phones, who needs a public phone anymore? But when that rare time happens...as I hear that ring...as I'm passing by the phone...I can't help but wonder, "Is it for me?" Its weird, I admit, and maybe I've seen too many movies where the call is for the person walking by...and of course, something incredible happens "because they answered it!" I don't know, but am I the only one who thinks such things? Don't we all have a bit of "me" in our thinking. Ya know...they must be laughing at "me"...they must be talking about "me"...that call must be for "me". OK, maybe not, but in certain situations we all share the common thought of..."well that kinda of stuff only happens to them...but not me." But we sure wished it was for us too, don't we? I think we think that way often about God's interactions with people in scripture too. One of the most favorite stories of Jesus in scripture, has Him in a boat, with His disciples, cruising across the sea as He had instructed. As seems to happen when Jesus and His followers are in a boat...a storm breaks out. Apparently storms are not that unusual to fishermen (as many of the disciples were) who make a living enduring such things...but this storm scared them...and scared them a lot! What was a trip this time, Jesus was sound asleep! Picture this for a moment. These guys are screamin' for their lives thinking their gonna die...and Jesus is taking in a little nap time. How funny is this scene? Even funnier, is when you consider these same guys "screamin' in fear like little school girls", had seen Jesus do some pretty incredible things. They saw Jesus heal people...feed people...protect people...even tell the winds to be still...yet fear still gripped their souls? With Jesus "in the boat" with them...fear still overwhelmed them. Even though they saw Jesus "show up" multiple times in the past for others in their time of need...they doubted if He'd show up for them? Isn't that sadly funny. We've seen God doing amazing things for others...but when our butts are on the line we wonder, "but will He do it for me?" In their moment of fear, as irrational as it may seem, they did the right thing...they went to Jesus. When they woke Him up, His first words were about their lack of faith (or lack of trust in Him). Yet even in their fear...even in their lack of faith...Jesus still protected them and they survived. Isn't it good to know that God can put up with my "fear". That He is not gonna "shine me on" because of my lack of faith. That His love endures my "screamin' like a school girl"...even when He is right by my side. Even when He is in the boat with me, and I freak out...He is still there for me, and He'll get me through. I know my life has its share of scary and uncertain moments...some in which I wonder if I'll even survive. And yet, even though I know Jesus is with me, I allow fear to overtake my faith...yet Jesus still gets me through anyway. At ECHO, we are so glad Jesus loves you and me...like He does those fearful disciples in the boat. We are so glad these are not just stories in a"book", but something we can experience. We are so glad He is patient with our lack of faith...and those times we freak out and scream "but what about me?" It is so good to know personally...and to express to others...the incredibly good news of a God who not only "does stuff for others", but also "shows up for you too". The bible reminds us that "God is for us...not against us." It says Jesus promises, "He'll never leave us...or forsake us." I hope this is as reassuring to you...as it is to me!

be God's!
Brian O
Lead Pastor dude, ECHO

Monday, September 7, 2009

CON (text)

The other night I was watching Punk’d, you know that Ashton Kutcher show where he sets up his celebrity friends to be put “on the spot”, in awkward situations. Often he places them in situations that seem innocent enough, until the weird twist happens, and then while they are uncomfortably facing the situation, he secretly films them. He basically plays pranks on them…totally setting em up to make fools of themselves for all the world to see. Fortunately, at the end of each episode Kutcher shows up laughing, letting his “victim” know its all a joke and they’ve just been “punk’d”. It’s funny how a normal day to day situation can go so haywire, when something twisted drops into its context. Its funny to watch a prank...but not when its regarding something important like when it happens in how scripture is presented. All too often scriptural “ideas” are presented as “fact”, when in actuality they’ve been oh so subtly (and sometimes not so subtly) taken out of context. Many "not-yet-believers" and believers alike, see this discrepancy and feel like some big "con" is going on. The result is a lack of trust in the one delivering the message, and in some cases a lack of trust in the very book being used. Ya know, they are right...you have to admit that we often are sloppy and mis-represent what scripture says. Often "our ideas" take precedent over God's...and it should not be. Sadder yet, is presenting "our concepts or preferences" as if they are God's...that's wrong...very wrong. One of the first basic rules of proper reading of “anything” is to read the sentence or passage in “context”. In other words, read it, taking into consideration the full environment in which it was being spoken. Read not just the line you are highlighting...but the paragraph before and after is a good start. Sometimes there is a back story to the context, as in why was this being written, and to whom. Too often, one phrase is pulled out and used as a “stand alone” statement, and becomes distorted in its meaning. The listener has been “punk’d”…the “con” is on…they’ve been misled (whether un-intentional or deliberate). We often see this in politics or news sound bites…but it happens in day to day living as well…even in how scripture is taught and understood. It’s quite one thing to say he said, “that’s dope”…but the context means everything. Was he pulling a bag of pot out of his pocket when he said that? Or was he looking at a cool car with a custom paint job? Or was he pointing at you? The context helps you understand what was being said. It is of particular importance when we read scripture. Too often people believe things based on a statement in scripture taken out of context. For example, some would suggest the early church met in homes, not large church gatherings…so, they would say, we should do the same today. Some would say that meeting in large groups in “church” is not even biblical and that meeting in “homes” is the only biblical way to gather. Out of context, yes the bible says they met in homes. But in context, it also says they “met in homes AND gathered in the Temple courts”. In context, meeting in homes (in smaller gatherings) was to go hand in hand with the large gatherings in the Temple courts (and these gatherings involved thousands by the way). Unfortunately many will speak the “they met in homes” out of context and lead people astray in understanding it properly. It should also be noted that the early church was radically persecuted by the Roman Empire and in 70AD the Temple was destroyed…so the gathering in homes in those early centuries was as much out of necessity, as it was out of community. That is part of the context as well. When the Roman Empire became friendly to Christianity about 400 years later, churches began to be built as gathering places for the masses. So understanding context gives you a more accurate glimpse into what a sentence or passage means. It is vital, or we’ll get “punk’d”…so to speak. Another example puts me "at risk". It involves one of Jesus' favorite topics...money! You see as a pastor who has been paid full time...part-time...and even volunteer...over the years...talking about money is a quick way to get people defensive. "You're only talking about it cause you're a pastor who wants to be paid!", they'll say. That's the normal assumption. But its funny how two of Jesus' most commonly taught subjects make us real uncomfortable...money... and...hell. Pastors who address either get "targets" painted on their backs...but teaching on Jesus' top subjects should be rather safe territory, don't cha think? Oh well. I'll go for it anyway. Consider this "money" passage. It is one of the typical and glaring "out of context truths", that people throw around. Perhaps you've heard it mentioned? It is found in 1 Corinthians chapter 9. This is a passage that has Paul, the apostle, speaking about how he is a tent maker, a working man paying his own way, and how he preaches for free, cause the gospel is a free gift. People love to mention that Paul was a “tent maker” to justify why pastors should not be paid…even suggesting that pastors who get paid are even un-biblical. It’s usually a way for a believer to get around their responsibility to “tithe” or financially give to the church they attend etc… but I digress. What is fascinating about 1 Corinthians chapter 9, is that Paul actually lists many reasons why pastors should be paid. In verse 3 through 6, he is saying, ‘hey don’t I have a right to eat? Don’t we have a right to take our wives with us? Or is it only me and Barnabas who must work?” Now that doesn’t sound like a guy saying “pastors shouldn’t get paid”…in fact it would suggest that it is perfectly appropriate to pay pastors. In fact, it almost sounds as if Paul is protesting a bit when he says, “hey why am I the guy who’s got to work?” He goes on in verses 7 through 10, “Who serves as a soldier at his own expense? Who plants a vineyard and does not eat of its grapes? Who tends a flock and does not drink of the milk? Do I say this merely from a human point of view? For it is written in the Law of Moses: ‘Do not muzzle an ox while it is trending out the grain’. Is it about oxen God is concerned? Surely He says this for us, doesn’t He?” Paul is saying, hey its perfectly appropriate to pay people…its appropriate that the worker share in the benefit of his labor…even an ox, he says shouldn’t be muzzled. The idea there is if a muzzled ox can’t eat while he works, he’ll eventually get hungry…weak…even frustrated…and eventually lose energy and stamina…and won’t work as effective. The same thing happens with people. But most amazing is in verse 14 where Paul says, “the Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel should receive their living from the gospel.” What? This isn’t a man made scam to get money? You mean Jesus, the Lord, COMMANDED that those who preach & teach scripture, should be paid? Amazing how the context of this chapter has changed the discussion. It isn’t so much about Paul working so he can preach for free…its that he chose to in this circumstance with the Corinthian church, to further the spreading of the gospel…even though it is perfectly appropriate that he get paid for it! There may be various reasons why. Maybe this church had not matured to the point of faithful giving yet? Maybe their giving wasn't sufficient? But Paul kept serving them...even though, they could not pay him...as they should. His tent making on the side was necessary for this church, in this season of time. Would Paul have accepted their offerings? Well lets look at another passage. In fact, Philippians 4:18, the same Paul, the apostle thanks the Philippine church, for their generous support. “I received full payment and even more; I am amply supplied…now that I have received the gifts you sent.” So why did Paul contradict himself (assuming pastors are not to be paid?). It appears Paul did live off offerings at times. At other times he worked to survive. It may even be the Corinthian church was the unique exception...not the rule. But he makes it clear that it is appropriate…even a command from Jesus Himself, that those who teach the scripture should be paid. Paul says it’s “an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God”. Isn’t it amazing how “context” makes the picture clearer. At ECHO, we do not want to “con” anyone by presenting scripture out of context…we’re not here to “punk” people into some personal opinion on the Kingdom of God. Our goal is to properly look at scripture, in context, as best we can…so we can learn God’s ways…His way…so we can try to live it out together in proper context with God…and with each other!

be God's!
Brian O
Lead Pastor dude, ECHO