In a world where we all crave to "belong", we try so hard to find "our spot". Some people take on the persona of those they want to be accepted by...others change their clothing style, haircuts, the way they talk, the music they listen to, even the food they eat...just to "fit in." In our vain attempts to find "our place", we often become less of who we really are, so that others will accept us...ironic isn't it? Perhaps that is why one of the coolest messages that Christmas screams to us is that "you belong!" God loved us enough that He reached down to each of us, through His Son Jesus, to let us know personally that we are invited. He could have sat up in His heavenlies, kickin back on His throne, watching us peons try to figure this thing out...and maybe, just maybe some of us may "do good enough" to make it into His presence. But instead, He came to earth as one of us, to show us the way. A personal invitation, if you will. In the flesh, He humbled Himself, not only in teaching us personally about the Kingdom of God...but He also made a way for everyone to get there! The bible says "there is no greater love than this, that a person lay down His life for another". Think about it...God sacrificed that we can be with Him...because we belong. We were designed by God to spend eternity in relationship with Him. In His great love He layed down His life in the flesh and died, paying the price for each of us. The bible says, "the wages of sin is death"...and Jesus made sure we didn't have to pay that price! God chose to submit to His own penalty, on our behalf, because we belong with Him...not apart from Him. Now the only choice for each of us you trust enough to enter into a relationship with the God who loves you and has made a way. The key to belonging is being willing to belong. The key to finding your place is trusting the One who knows the way. We each have that choice, to take our rightful place... because of Jesus. And that wonderful truth...the fantastic story of the baby in a where it all begins. And that is worth celebrating! For the bible also says, "that God wills that no one should perish, but would have eternal life". So God's heart is evident in His words and His actions...that we all belong! We belong in eternal relationship with the One who is Love. We belong eternally in a place where there is no more sin, pain, tears or brokenness. We belong at the table...we belong to the family...we have a place. As a hand fits perfectly into the sand, so you fit perfectly in your place that God has prepared for you, in His Kingdom. At ECHO, we hope to create an environment that makes room for everyone...because you "belong." That's God's heart...and it should be ours as well. This isn't just a Christmas should be an everyday thing...because you do belong...and we are so glad for that!
Prayer is really just talking with God. Whether it is done within the heart silently, or out loud, or in written word, it is quite simply, communicating what's on your mind with the God who loves you enough to listen. At ECHO we realize prayer is quite powerful, yet mysterious. If God knows our hearts, our motives, and why we do what we do...then why tell Him about it? If God knows our past, present & future...then why hash it out with Him? These are legitimate questions...but I believe they are answered in God's motivation for "relationship". We often make it some kind of mystical, intimidating, boring exercise of faith...but it really is more practical and essential than we make it. You see, for example, I often know what my kids have on their minds, or want to ask me for...but I usually wait for them to speak it, whenever they are that the time may be right...and it may be an opportunity of trust in conversation that is another building block in our ongoing relationship. With every question they ask me, or every concern they share with me, or every dream they are brave enough to tell me...I love them even more. It is extra glue to our relationship...I see their soul a bit...I enter their world a bit...and it is so cool that they invite me into it as well. I think that is how God feels towards us. As we ask the questions...lay out our concerns...pray through our dreams...His heart is moved towards us...and our hearts are moved trustingly towards Him...and that's a good thing. I don't know how all this prayer thing works...but I know it moves my heart towards that's gotta be good. I don't always get the answer I want, but it takes more of me to trust...when the answer is a "no"...than when it's a "yes". I suppose I deepen my relationship more in those times...rather than a "Sugar Daddy god" or a "Parachute god"...I find a loving Father, who knows whats best...and often whats best is "wait"...or even a "no". If I can trust Him in those prayer moments...then I know my relationship is deepening...and I will grow. If the truth be said..."Faith is trusting God even when it doesn't make sense."
I read this recently, it's some thoughts on talking to God by Carolyn Arends, and I thought how much we all might relate, she writes: "I have prayed many types of prayers throughout my life, but my haphazard list of prayers is quite different from most. I have been a specialist in the "Let's Make a Deal" school of prayer: if you will only let me pass this test (for which I have not read the textbook), then I will spend the rest of my life earnestly studying in a convent somewhere. My years of frequent travel have also honed my "Turbulence Prayers." Typically whispered on airplanes that appear destined to crash, these prayers focus on achieving "meet my Maker readiness: God, if there's anything not right between us, I confess it now. I can also claim extensive experience with "Futility Prayers", prayers that seldom work, but are prayed passionately anyway. Please make my newborn sleep through the night, is one Futility Prayer. Another is: please don't let me throw up!
However theologically incorrect my prayers may be, I have discovered that whatever is in my heart must either be prayed out or left to fester. And so I dare to utter my petty, self-interested requests, trusting--praying--that the Holy Spirit will intercede on my behalf with groans my words (or lack thereof) cannot express, translating my impetuous, childish gibberish into communion with God.
When I read that if I ask God for bread, He will not give me a stone, I realize that He not only desires to give me what I need, but he also wants me to come to Him and ask for it. This to me is the greatest miracle, the deeper mystery--the God of the Universe wants me to speak with Him. Heaven knows I am not a great conversationalist--I talk too much, listen too little--but He desires my company anyway.
There is so much I want to learn about prayer. Can our requests change the course of history? Can we change the mind and will of God? Are the hand of fate and the hand of God locked in some sort of wrestling match that hinges on our prayers? I have received certain and dramatic answers to some of my prayers. To others I have been able to perceive nothing but the deafening roar of silence. In some cases I have eventually discovered why my prayers were answered with a "no" or a "not yet." In many others I remain bewildered. But I will study the Scriptures and I will wait on the Lord and I am hopeful that more will be revealed, as I learn to trust Him. Regardless, I will pray, because He asks me to, and understanding usually follows obedience, and because my life would not be worth living if I could not cry out to the God who gave it to me!
However uncertain I am about the way prayer changes the unfolding of events, I have been shown clearly that prayer changes me! When I begin to pray for an enemy, my heart like a fist clenched in anger, I am opened up until I can no longer hold the resentment and frustration. When I plead..."Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner", I travel a little deeper into the mercy of God. When I confess..."I believe, yet help my unbelief," my faith is made a little stronger.
And so I pray. Whether I am praying from a surrendered or stubborn heart, I speak with the God of Creation. I am ushered, sometimes reverent, sometimes willful, never worthy...into His presence. When the language is beyond me, it is spoken on my behalf. I pray for the wisdom to learn about prayer, and for the courage to pray the prayers that will change me..."
"Give up trying to look like a saint," Brennan Manning's spiritual mentor once told him. "It'll be a lot better for everybody." If there is anything that ECHO hopes to contribute, it is this: we recognize that being a true follower of Jesus is not a matter of polishing ourselves up to make ourselves more presentable to God and others. But it is about being honest about how far we fall short of being the persons we know we should be and reaching out to accept the freely given, wild, crazy and untamed, scandalous grace of God. In an excerpt from The Ragamiffin Gospel, Brennan Manning says it best..."When I get honest, I admit I am a bundle of paradoxes. I believe and I doubt, I hope and I get discouraged, I love and I hate, I feel bad about feeling good, I feel guilty about not feeling guilty. I am trusting and suspicious. I am honest and I still play games. Aristotle said I am a rational animal; I say I am an angel with an incredible capacity for beer. To live by grace means to acknowledge my whole life's story, the light side and the dark. In admitting my shadow side, I learn who I am and what God's grace means. As Thomas Merton put it, "a saint is not someone who is good but is someone who experiences the goodness of God."
In a world where personal security reigns supreme in our consciousness...the question remains, are we? I mean, isn’t the craving of personal security rooted in our insecurity? People fear the economy, losing their job, not having enough for retirement, if their home gets broken into, if someone should steal their car, if someone steals their identity, their physical health, what people think of them, if people respect them…heck, even if they respect themselves! This fear, on so many levels, creates this incredible anxiety in life that many find it hard to enjoy and appreciate life as they have it. Jesus tells us that “satan is the author of fear”. The bible tells us that “God has not given us a spirit of fear…but of power, love and a sound mind (i.e. clear thinking)”. So if this is so…then why do we struggle so much with our insecurities? They say anti-anxiety and anti-depressant medications are some of the most in demand and abused drugs in America. Are we a people that is afraid to feel? Have our emotions become something we are to avoid? Has our insecurity created such a high anxiety level that we can no longer cope with the very feelings and emotions that make us human? Are not these very emotions and feelings a huge part of what makes us tick? Are they not part of God's design...perhaps it's a part that drives us toward Him. Why? Maybe in the midst of the struggle we realize we need help and maybe that is how it should be. Because God has a solution. Jesus promises a “peace that surpasses our understanding”. A peace that is beyond what we can humanly comprehend. Have you ever met people like that? Someone who is able to maintain a peace in the midst of chaos that is “other worldly”. Not only is that kind of peace miraculous…it is also very attractive…people notice and they want some too! I read today in the book of proverbs, chapter 3, verses 25 and 26…”have no fear of sudden disaster or the ruin that overtakes the ungodly, for the Lord will be your confidence and will keep you from being snared”. Perhaps that’s the key. Our insecurity rests in a fear that “we are not in control”…that “we are not capable” of dealing with what may come our way. Yet proverbs reminds us that our confidence (or lack there of) should not be in ourselves…but that our confidence is securely resting in God…and that is where our security should lie…in Him…not ourselves…or other sources outside of God. It’s a simple, yet powerful truth, that we at ECHO hope to reinforce and encourage in all we are privileged to be in relationship with. May our source…our security…our confidence always be redirected and centered in the God who loves us and cares for each of us, more than we’ll ever know or realize. In that there is safety…peace…and security.
Perspective. How often we lose perspective, especially in our culture of media, hype and self centeredness? I often remember an old Veggie Tale video my kids spoke of a "grateful heart"... Madame Blueberry I think it was? I love Veggie Tales. Anything that has talking vegetables & fruit characters with an off-the-wall sense of humor is alright by me. But I digress. The point was perspective and grateful hearts. Especially being Thanksgiving time, it would seem to be an appropriate time for both. You see, even though our economy is rocking, and the market is diving, and jobs are being lost...and for some the threat of losing their homes in foreclosure is real...but for most people its simply being fearful of "what may be". We hear about how bad it is on TV, on the radio and in the it creates this vibe of negativity...pessimism...and fear. Yet, even with all that, its not as bad as we might think. Just over 30 years ago during the Jimmy Carter years unemployment was 10%...inflation 13.5%...and interest rates were 21.5% on your home! And we had gas you could only buy gas every other day, and the lines were blocks long, type of gas rationing! By comparison, today we have 6.5% unemployment, 3.7% inflation, 6% mortgage rates and $1.75 a gallon gas...every day! The media and politicians all cry "depression", but during the Depression unemployment was 25% (and women didn't work then, so a man loses his job, and the family has zero income). Unemployment didn't get under 10% until 1941 when World War 2 created tons of new jobs. More than half of the United States were living below minimum subsistence levels. There was no food stamps nor unemployment benefits. 40% of all the banks in the country failed! So when we talk of economic problems...and another "depression"... we don't have to look too far to see were not that bad off today in comparison. Perspective. While we're on the topic of perspective did you know that 2.7 billion people in our world today live on less than $2 a day! That's almost half the world's population living on less than $730 a year...people on unemployment here make more than that in a month! These people in third world countries live lives threatened by a lack of enough calories in their food to be healthy... a lack of clean water to drink without getting life threatening parasites...they lack shelter to protect them...they lack proper clothing to guard them from the elements...they don't even have simple health care to protect them from preventable disease...they don't have learning institutions like schools so they are illiterate...and their life expectancy is a fraction of ours due to these factors and more. Perspective. In the United States 46% of those in "poverty" own their own homes! Their homes "average" just over 1,000 square feet, 3 bedrooms, 1 and a half baths, with a garage. For perspective consider that people in third world countries dream of living in something like our garages! Even our homeless have clean water easily available. Even our homeless have free food, clothes, shelter and medical basics available in the United States. Third World people would see our "homeless" as wealthy people...consider that this Thanksgiving. Most Americans eat more calories in a day, than a person in a third world country may eat in a week. In our country we walk by pennies, as worthless, every day. In many other countries, they'd be thanking God for every one they found! You see perspective gives you a greater sense of gratitude. When you realize the blessings you have...rather than the "wants" you do NOT have...a thankful heart grows within us. In spite of what you may not "have" are far more fortunate than most of the world. At ECHO we want to be thankful for what we do have...for the blessing of God's provisions...and be ever mindful of the needs around in Eugene & Springfield and the massive needs around the world. Jesus told us the poor would always be with us...but He constantly reminded us to serve the poor...the orphans...and the widows. It was a constant theme of Jesus. I think He emphasized it, not only because these are practical areas to serve those ever present needs in others...but also by constantly reminding us of what we do have, as we serve those without. May our Thanksgiving truly be a time when our grateful hearts cause us to thank God many times over for all He has done for you...and me! And may it motivate us to reach out a hand of love & care, to those with less. With the proper perspective, I think we can.
Last month I had the privilege to be in Austin, Texas the weekend of the “Big River Shoot Out”. This football rivalry game is huge between the Texas Longhorns and the Oklahoma Sooners. It was a huge game as always, but this year both teams were ranked in the Top 5…so it was even bigger. The game is played in Dallas at a neutral field for both teams, about equal distance from both schools. Now Texas won the game this year, and we happened to be in Austin Saturday night…on historic 6th Street…a short distance from the University of Texas campus. Wow, what a party was goin on there…the place was packed with Longhorn fans…what a sight to see! Now 6th Street in Austin is the historic music scene…reputed to be the best music scene in the country…where countless famous artists have performed in many of the music clubs lining the streets. 6th Street is usually party central, as you might imagine, but tonight, after this game, it was rockin at a whole nother level. It’s funny how crazy fans are for their teams. I know, I do it too. I love the Oregon Ducks, the San Diego Chargers, the Lakers, the Blazers, the Dodgers and the Angels, to name a few obsessions. It’s weird how we cheering fans are living through our “teams”. We seem to vicariously be living through our favorite team or players…but we never really participate in the action, do we? Oh, we like to think we do…but really we’re just enthusiastically watching the players do all the work. We pay a few bucks, scream like they can hear us, celebrate the good plays, and mourn the mistakes…but its nothing like the guys on the field. They're the one’s sweating, training, performing, executing the plays, making the impact and ultimately deciding the games outcome. In many ways it can be like that in church… where we become fans of those “up front”, “on stage”, and we cheer them on, and support them in doing what we “only wish we could do”. But really, they do it…and we watch em do it…hoping they are successful…so we feel successful too! But is that the way God intended His church to be? Holy spectators? Are His people supposed to just show up, watch, and cheer on the one’s “doing something”? Are we on the right "track" or are we a on a long train to nowhere? The bible actually teaches us something quite different than how "church" usually is. In fact, the bible actually teaches us that church leaders and pastors are to “equip people” so that they can do the “work of the church”. The work of the “church” is another way of saying the “work of God’s people”. If Jesus said we should love God with all we are and love others as He designed…then pastors and church leaders are supposed to “equip” people to do those very things. Yet, far too often, church can be a “come and see” type of occasion…rather than a training to “go and be” in lifestyle. Perhaps this is why so many see attending church as meaningless…because it seems that we’re passively watching others “do the work of the church”. It seems kinda senseless really. But it’s quite a different thing when each person joins in the things God has planned. Each person feels valued in their uniqueness. Each person feels they are a part. Each person is able to contribute. Each person is able to be shaped by God as He uses them to touch others. There is really nothing quite so meaningful and transforming as experiencing God using you uniquely to touch other lives. At ECHO we intentionally desire to create an environment where each person can uniquely experience God and God using them. Join with us as we learn to “do life” God’s way…not just live life as spectators. It’s a powerful thing…one we hope you can experience…because it sure beats sitting in the stands watching "life as God intended", slip by without you!
I saw a dude on TV recently who had one of the crazy stories I'd ever heard. Now this guy didn't know it but when he was a kid, is estranged dad had been living it up...buying cars... trips...etc... on his social security number. Well when he grew up, not knowing what "good ol' dad" had been doing all these years...he was shocked to discover he couldn't get a credit card. He was in college, good student, with a good job...BUT he discovered when he tried for his first credit card that... "he" had a prison record, a bankruptcy, several default loans, lots of bad debt...the list went on and on. His identity had been stolen, and his life had become hell because of it! I often think of us often life seems like hell to us. So many struggle with what life is about? Why am I here? Is this "rat race" all life is meant to be? One of the keys to life is knowing "who you are"...your identity. Yet so many have had their "identity" stolen by so many things...their past...their families...their political party...their church denomination...their school...their economic status...their business. Yet none of those things define who we are...they do give a glimpse into "what we do" or perhaps "why we do what we do", but they do not define our identity. Jesus made it clear that we were created with a unique centered in God's image. We have an identity summed up in the word "relationship". We have not been created to live life alone. Jesus said that all of the commandments, God's Law, all the prophets, everything hung on 2 essential things: we were created to love God with our whole heart, mind & soul...AND to love others as we love ourselves. Our identity, created by God, in His likeness, is for "relationship"...with Him and with others! Our identity in life is to be a lover of God and people! As we love God, He deposits more and more of Himself into us (God is love, the bible says) ...and that love should in turn become more and more of who we are, and flow out of us to those around us. This is so vital Jesus said "everything else" hangs on it. So often we are defined by "what we do"...often forgetting "who we are". That is why the bible says that if we do even miracles...without is a noisy gong and a clanging cymbal (annoying really). That is why we need to guard against allowing "what we do" to become our "identity"...if we do we'll be frustrated...and those very things will become hell to us. But when we center in on our God given "identity"...a person created to love God and allow His love to flow through you to others in authentic relationship...then "what you do" makes more sense, and now it has a "purpose". After all isn't that the two big questions of life: Who am I? and Why am I here? Many have discovered that God's "identity" and "purpose" for us makes it all clearer and more meaningful. Don't allow your "identity" to be it through your Creator. At ECHO we believe He has created you "on purpose"..."for a purpose!" Those of us who make up ECHO, we want to create an environment where you can discover that for that you may live in it... and express it to others yourself!
I was driving my car daydreaming the other day and for some reason I popped in an old CD I hadn't listened to in "forever". I consciously didn't even think about it's content. It was a tribute album, performed by various artists, playing some classic Larry Norman songs. Larry Norman is quite an interesting character. He is often referred to as the "father of Christian rock", though he began singing about Jesus in his music before "christian rock" really existed. I had the privilege of meeting him and visiting with him more than once. The first time was in 1990 at the Zoe Festival in southern Germany. I found him friendly, interesting, and easy going. I remember giving him a t-shirt from the merch table I had at the festival (if my memory serves me correctly, it was the classic "Be Wiser" shirt). I saw him a week later at Flevo in Holland, where he performed with Q-Stone... one of the best concerts I've ever seen. Later in 1998, I bumped into Larry again at Spirit West Coast in Monterey, California. I was the MC for the Tooth 'n Nail stage, introducing the bands for that stage during the 3 day festival (bands like Switchfoot, MXPX, Five Iron Frenzy, the Supertones, Stavesacre, POD and Grammatrain were on hand...most of them pretty unknown at the time). This photo is me & Larry at that time...hey we look like brothers don't we?! Anyway, as I reminiscence, I thought of Larry's songs, his concerts, his wit and the few times I got to meet him and chat a bit. I suppose that's why I put the CD in. You see, Larry died earlier this year, February 2008, in Salem, Oregon...his battle with heart issues was finally over...yet he never gave up on challenging people to think about Jesus through his music. He was on Capital Records & MGM Records in the late 60's & early 70's...but left mainstream music because of the pressures to censor his music and his mix of spiritual and political made many uncomfortable. He was also uncomfortable with the burgeoning christian music scene...he felt it was too contrived and limiting, as it also only wanted songs they were comfortable with. So Larry spent most of his career as an independent artist, writing 100's of songs and performing all around the world. Though rejected in many ways, by church people & the music biz alike, his songs impacted artists like U2, The Pixies, Bob Dylan, Keith Green, Randy Stonehill, Collective Soul and Daniel Amos to name a few. This imperfect prophet spoke through his music to anyone who would listen...rejected by Christian & secular alike. Yet through it all his music still impacts today. As I heard one of my favorite songs of his (again) on this tribute album, it was if it was written yesterday...check it out. I found a rough concert video of Larry performing his song "The Great American Novel" on Youtube...I've written his lyric for you to ponder also...may it stir you and challenge you as you hear the ECHO of God's heart through a misunderstood, controversial, yet brilliant guy named Larry Norman.
I was born and raised an orphan
In a land that once was free
In a land that poured it's love out on the moon
And I grew up in the shadows
Of your silos filled with grain
But you never helped to fill my empty spoon
And when I was ten you murdered law
With courtroom politics
And you learnt to make a lie sound just like truth
But I know you better now
And I don't fall for all your tricks
And you've lost the one advantage of my youth
You kill a black man at midnight
Just for talking to your daughter
Then you make his wife your mistress
And you leave her without water
And the sheet you wear upon your face
Is the sheet your children sleep on
And every meal you say a prayer
You don't believe but still you keep on
And your money says 'In God We Trust'
But it's against the law to pray in school
You say we beat the russians to the moon
And I say you starved your children to do it
You are far across the ocean
But the war is not your own
And while you're winning theirs
You're gonna lose the one at home
Do you really think the only way
To bring about real peace
Is to sacrifice your children
And kill all your enemies
The politicians all make speeches
While the news men all take note
And they exaggerate false issues
As they shove them down our throats
Is it really up to them
Whether this country sinks or floats
Well I wonder who would lead us
If none of us would vote
Well my phone is tapped and my lips are chapped
From whispering through the fence
You know every move I make
Or is that just coincidence
Well you try to make my way of life
A little less like jail
If i promise to make tapes and slides
And send them to ya through the mail
And your money says 'In God We Trust '
But its against the law to pray in school
You say we beat the russians to the moon
And I say you starved your children to do it
You say 'all men are equal all men are brothers'
Then why are the rich more equal than others
Don't ask me for the answers i've only found one
That a man leaves his darkness when he follows the Son
We live in a world where many things are being “revised”. We often hear of “revisionist history” where historical events are “re-told” with a new “slant” or “agenda” attached. It’s kinda like a fisherman’s fishing story where the fish keeps getting bigger & bigger with every telling. The story gets embellished with more and more incredible feats of super human fishing prowess and sensationalism. It makes for a good story, but not for a good report on what really happened. Our culture has many revisionist tendency’s within our generation where history, politics, science, WW2, the Holocaust, and even our Constitution are being redefined. Unfortunately each comes with a bias. It’s kind of like a counseling session with a married couple on the rocks. If you speak to one person you are swayed to their point of view. When you talk to the other person, you are often swayed back towards the others view. If you keep talking to them “one at a time” you will most likely bounce back & forth in the view point you are holding to. That is why a good counselor may begin with speaking to the parties alone, at first. But they will always bring both people into the same room for the same conversation in order to get a better picture of what’s really going on. For the most part, the “truth” is usually somewhere in between the two extremes…that’s usually where the reality you are dealing with lives…and then you can begin to tackle the issues at hand. Now history, for example, is not an opinion poll…it is factual. Of course we all can pick and choose the “facts” that support our view point…just like a fighting couple can. But in order to discover the truth of any thing, including God, we need to avoid the trap of “redefining”, based on our preferences, viewpoints or bias. Culturally this happens on the news, in politics, in the classroom and in life in general, all the time. But when it comes to Jesus…it is dangerous to “redefine” Him. He is who He says He is. Jesus has been redefined more than once in history and all it does is sway people away from the reality of who He really is. Humorously, in the news recently, it became a “talking point” to say “Jesus was a Community Organizer”. Well, actually He wasn’t. Jesus never “organized” a community anything. He was not on the PTA, He never opened a Soup Kitchen, He didn’t start loan programs for the underprivileged, He didn’t work for Food For Lane County, He wasn’t a Coach for the local softball team. He was the deliverer of the Kingdom of God as seen in the actions of a compassionate, humble, powerful servant to the broken. He was about transforming lives…not organizing communities. Yet we all know in this case, a political agenda “stretched” Jesus into some kind of “community organizer role”…which is clearly not who He was as defined in the bible. Religions have done the same thing…Mormons would say Jesus is the brother of Lucifer…Muslims would say He was a prophet…Jews would say He was trouble maker, some even might say He was a blasphemer of their God…Hindu’s would say He was one who gained “christ consciousness”…Buddhists claim He is an enlighten one. Some people may say He was just a good man. Some would say He was some kind of delusional, crazy guy who “thought he was god”. Others may think He was a scheming liar with some devious agenda. Yet in the end, we need to clear the air some, in order to get a glimpse of who Jesus really was…IF we really want to explore this history changing character. Both biblical and historical evidence points to overwhelming evidence that Jesus indeed did exist and impacted His followers to such a degree they were willing to die for His cause. Their spreading of His message has lasted for 2,000 years and has impacted billions of people. A ragtag bunch of 12 fishermen & farmers, shook up the world…including the mighty Roman Empire. That is historical, biblical and scientific fact. The evidence is overwhelming…in spite of revisionist attempts to minimize those facts. Does that make Jesus God? No, not necessarily, but it does point out that He is probably worth checking out some…especially, if He is who He says He is. Did Jesus say He was God or did His followers just cook up this scheme for some reason? Some ask this question. Fair enough. The bible says Jesus claimed to be God. Clearly the Jewish religious leaders believed He claimed to be God…because that was why they crucified Him. Jewish historical writings, and Roman history tells us that much. Clearly His followers believed He was who He claimed to be, to the point of martyrdom. History shows us that “not one” of Jesus followers ever denied He was God…even to save his butt from torture and death. Believe you me…if any one of them had just said, “oh man…we were just BS-ing you guys…none of that’s true…we just did it for the power or money or…?” If that happened, surely somewhere in Jewish, Roman, Greek, Egyptian, European or Middle Eastern history it would have been recorded and made known…but it hasn’t. Does that make Jesus God…no, not necessarily…but its another reason to make Jesus worth checking out some. Well, what if the bible was manipulated to make it appear Jesus was who it says He was? Well, first off, the bible has been more researched scientifically, archaeologically, and linguistically more than ANY book in human history. We know it pretty well and have multiple written copies closer to the time of Jesus life than ANY of the world’s most reputed books. We have more copies of ancient texts of the bible, closer to the time of Jesus, than we do of Homer’s “Iliad and the Odyssey” for example. We know the places and people groups of the bible did exist and the historical events listed overwhelming “did occur”. The entire Old Testament, has been written and passed from generation to generation within Judaism for thousands of years…so when Jesus refers to the Old Testament writings and prophets, it is well documented what they said, and the accuracy of what He was referring to. It is important to note that the Old Testament is part of the bible, yet the Jewish people do not believe Jesus is the Messiah their scriptures had foretold…so they are not biased “for” Jesus…perhaps it could even be said, they are more likely, as a people, to be biased “away” from Jesus. Yet those very Old Testament scriptures also point towards Jesus and the accuracy of His claims. The scriptures are a worthy source to investigate in our search for the real Jesus. We know this from biblical research as well as historical research from other cultures…Assyrian, Babylonian, Roman, Egyptian, Greek & Jewish history for example. We have evidence that the people, places and events in the bible did exist and were real. Does that make Jesus God? No not necessarily, but it does point to that fact, that the bible is worth exploring if you really want to define Jesus as He really is. It is important to realize that the Jewish people have hundreds of prophecy’s that they claim refer to their Messiah. They are in the Old Testament written hundreds and even thousands of years before Jesus was born. They were NOT written after Jesus was born. The Jewish people still hold to those scriptures. That is further evidence something incredible happened with this dude named Jesus. It is mathematically impossible to “accidentally” fulfill even 10 of these prophecies, statisticians say. Many are impossible to “make happen”…like what your family lineage is, or where you are born. But Jesus fulfilled them all. The odds are so astronomical of that happening, it has to be a miracle of Godly proportions. Does that make Jesus God? No…but we’re getting pretty darn close. It definitely would call for a very close examination, if you want to really know who He really was. Any sincere searcher of truth would have to admit…”hmmm, something’s going on here”. Now, probably the biggest “kicker” here in this exploration of the real Jesus is the claim He rose from the dead after He was crucified. Some write that off as a fairy tale of religious proportions…but history tells us something very different. First Jesus was crucified because “he claimed to be God”…that is important to remember. The Jewish people rallied around their religious leaders who claimed Jesus was a blasphemer for such a claim. During Jesus trial and upon His death, all His followers ran and hid from those very same religious leaders fearing that they could be next. Then 3 days after Jesus died and was buried, something happened. Now history says that the tomb had a multi ton stone rolled in front of the cave tomb opening, cut into solid stone. It was guarded by Roman soldiers to “prevent Jesus body from being stolen”, because they had heard claims that He may rise from the dead in 3 days. These soldiers risked death if they abandoned their post, or fell asleep in their duties. That was the Roman way of that time. Yet something happened. As Jesus followers cowered in fear hiding, a couple brave women went to attend to the body with the usual burial spices, as was their tradition. When they arrived, the stone was rolled back…and Jesus body was gone. He then appeared to them and asked them to tell the “hiding disciples” that He was risen from the dead. It should be interesting to note, that in this time of Jewish culture, the testimony of a woman was considered worthless…so if you were “making this story up”…that detail would be seen as an invalidating error. Yet shortly after being told by the women, that Jesus rose…and the “hiding ones” doubted He had…something happened. Jesus appeared to them, and over several weeks, He appeared to over 500 people. Suddenly, all these cowering followers of Jesus, were willing to risk death and appear on roof tops proclaiming the message that Jesus had indeed proven He was God, and had proven His power over sin AND death! Not one follower of Jesus ever recanted. Most died horrible, martyrs deaths…yet not one denied the claim. And this bunch of “cowards” spread the message of the Kingdom of God as taught by Jesus throughout the Middle East & the Roman Empire. Something definitely happened! The affects of this bunch of people not only changed the mightiest Empire in that era, the Roman Empire, but multiple Empires since, and billions of people to this day. Why? Cause, no one has done the public death…resurrection deal…before. Whoa, now we're in uncharted one has pulled that one off before! Does that make Jesus God? Hey, it's worth at least a serious look, don't cha think? With an honest heart, ECHO wants to journey with you as you explore this person named Jesus. We want to create a safe environment where you can ask those questions and explore Jesus “as He really is” on your journey for Truth. The same Jesus that history, archeology, linguistics and multiple cultural evidences reinforce…this Jesus who is God in the flesh. That, my friends…is worth exploring. Because if He was and is…then that’s a deal changer…for each of us! And that is worth exploring…
you seem so far away from me today just out of reach or maybe i'm the one who's out of reach out of touch what is it in me that makes you so hard to see? i need new eyes, spiritual eyeballs that look past the bills that need paying and the car that needs fixing and the e-mails that keep coming to see what lies beyond. eyes that can see in the dark. and through the dark. to you.
i've been looking in the wrong place all this time-- in myself rather than in you within this world rather than beyond it where the kingdom of God resides, where you live, and secretly smile at my shortsightedness-- and wait. i'm glad you're so patient.
by Rick James (no, not the funk singer who sang "Super Freak")
In Canada there is this interesting sculpture of an upside down church. It's pretty well known, and though I do not necessarily know the artists intent with this piece of art...I know it brings several thoughts to my about yours? It first brought me back to the time just after Jesus walked the earth...when a group of ragtag fishermen & farmers (for the most part), along with a few hundred fellow followers of Jesus...turned the world upside down! When you think about it, it really is quite amazing. Here we are 2,000 years later, and the message this bunch spread of God's Kingdom, has reached close to 90% of the world's that's amazing! Even within a few hundred years after Jesus, the world's most powerful Empire was dramatically changed for all of history to see...The Roman Empire! History, archeology, and science shows us that the most powerful Empire in the world, was radically altered by this rag tag bunch sharing the message of God's Kingdom as taught by Jesus. They say, it literally turned the world upside down! That's not just's downright miraculous! It would seem to have God's fingerprints all over it...because nothing else seems to be a reasonable explanation for this phenomena. Now here we are 2,000 years later, and I wonder... "What if...?" What if our churches got back to the simplicity and passion of those early years? Obviously God was doing something there, why have we strayed so far from it? What if the love we expressed through our churches was so overwhelming evident & real, that people were drawn to it? What if churches used their resources like the early churches did? Would more people see Jesus in that? Would more people see "grace with skin on" in how we live and function with each other...and with them? Maybe, this time, we need our churches to be turned upside! 2,000 years ago the followers of Jesus flipped the world on its head. Perhaps now its time for God to stir us, to flip ourselves on our own heads? Perhaps we have focused so much on marketing, programs & fancy buildings...not realizing that our appearances do not transform lives. In fact, some of those things appear very "unattractive" to the very people we hope to reach. But "what if" we cared more about people than buildings & programs. What if authentic relationships (as messy as they often are) were more important than our "image" and "appearances"? What if we used our resources much like the early followers of Jesus did? The New Testament shows us 3 main areas that financial resources & possessions were used by the early followers of Jesus: to support those who taught the scriptures (i.e. pastors); meet the needs of those within the church family; and also meet the needs of the community around them (i.e. orphans, widows, the poor, the fatherless, the sick, the imprisoned, the downtrodden etc...) Today we do seem to support our pastors (to a degree, depending on the church); yet rarely are we known to take care of the needs within our church families, and the greater community we live in. If we do, it is a very small percentage of our budgets...far less than say our "marketing" or "building funds" would suggest...and there is something seriously wrong with that picture isn't it? Perhaps this is why the early followers of Jesus caught the attention of those around them..."see how much they love each other" the bible says. When is the last time you heard that type of comment about a church or Christian? At ECHO, we believe it's time to turn the "church" upside down, and shake out some of the crap that has been weighing us down...even hampering our ability to become the people God has designed us to be. We are called to "re-present Jesus" to our world...we are the "body", the picture of Jesus that people see. It is a huge responsibility, that needs to be free from personal agendas, wrong motives, distorted concepts and self serving's time to re-examine what God has originally called His followers to be... individually...and collectively as church families. We need to allow Him to flip us upside down, and shake it out of us, if necessary. What if we allowed that to happen? What if we became more like those crazy, passionate, Jesus loving freaks of the early church? What if we radically dared to loved matter who or what... the way Jesus does? What if we actually became the kind of people that oozed Jesus likeness to the point...that people were actually drawn into the Kingdom? What if...?
CS Lewis once said, "pain is God's megaphone to a deaf world." It seems that "pain" is hard to understand, yet very effective in getting our attention. I see that reflected in these lyrics off the new Coldplay album, in the song "Lost". Pain is not all we see...or feel...or what makes sense in the moment...yet somehow God can use all things to draw us towards Him...even in the midst of life's confusion. Things are not always as they seem. We clearly do not see the big picture...the bible says we only "see in part"...that we "see through the glass dimly". In the moment, we see, perceive and feel one thing. Yet in God's Kingdom, He's orchestrating, redeeming, healing and aligning things, according to His purposes...even when we screw up. It seems that often, our greatest pain comes from our own actions or inaction. Yet God pursues us anyway...truly a relationship of we often don't comprehend...especially in the midst of pain.
Just because I’m losing
Doesn’t mean I’m lost
Doesn’t mean I’ll stop
Doesn’t mean I would cross
Just because I’m hurting
Doesn’t mean I’m hurt
Doesn’t mean I didn’t get
What I deserved
No better and no worse
I just got lost
Every river that I tried to cross
Every door I ever tried was locked
Ohhh, and I’m…
Just waiting ’til the shine wears off
You might be a big fish
In a little pond
Doesn’t mean you’ve won
‘Cause along may come
A bigger one
And you’ll be lost
Every river that you tried to cross
Every gun you ever held went off
Ohhh, and I’m…
Just waiting until the firing stopped
Ohhh, and I’m…
Just waiting ’til the shine wears off Ohhh, and I…
Do you remember where you were and how you felt 7 years ago on September 11th. As I look back, I remember being up early that morning, in order to catch a flight to Los Angeles. I was in the living room putting my shoes on, when the morning programming was interrupted by the “news flash” of an jet crashing into one of the Twin Towers in New York City. As we watched in confused horror, as the flames burst out of the building, the questions flew out from the TV speakers and from millions of minds across America…”How could this happen?” “How did a jet get that far off course?” “Was there a mechanical failure?” It all didn’t seem reasonable nor plausible. Then, I saw the second plane fly onto the TV screen and into the second Twin Tower! OK, this is no coincidence…somethings up? Suddenly, it was like watching something from some horrible nightmare. The media and the millions watching suddenly realized this was no longer some kind of fluke accident…something hugely tragic was happening right before our eyes. Yet, in the midst of this horrible catastrophy, we began to see some incredible scenes of people helping people. Some of the bravest, most selfless things, many of us have ever seen, would unfold in the hours, days, and weeks to come. People sacrificed their lives for strangers. Common citizens did the extra-ordinary for the benefit of those wounded, scared and distraught. Firemen, police officers, construction workers, pastors, relief agency's, soldiers, bankers, lawyers, housewives, celebrities, the unemployed, religious workers of every type, doctors, nurses, students, executives and blue collar workers united in something very beautiful. We saw people help, give, work and raise money for those affected. We saw liberal and conservative side by side for the greater good. We saw the employer and the employee weeping in each others arms, comforting one another. It didn't matter what class or race you were, we hurt & helped with each other. We saw an outpouring of something very good, something unique during this time. It came from all over the world, as the world rallied to help heal those wounded and those who lost loved ones. Suddenly no one was worried about church & state, or praying, or whose agenda was right or wrong. It became very clear that something very attractive, very healing, very loving was rising up during this time. In many ways it was a great reflection of how God’s love is intended to flow through His people, as they unite as one body, and represent His love to a hurting world. Everyone’s contribution was important. Everyone’s gift was needed. Everyone’s heart of concern was valued. It was a time that has left us all too soon. It was a time that truly represented all that was good in people, it seemed. That good, really was a manifestation of God’s love, through the unity of many, many diverse people. Some of the most unlikely people stood side by side united to “get through” this together. It was awesome to see, and sad to have seen leave us. Yet God’s heart remains the same…He desires that His people would represent Him in the flesh…grace with skin on…love lived out…mercy in action. It is very attractive when we see it. It touches us all very deeply when we come in contact with it. I believe it has such a deep affect on us because God has designed us to live within that environment…so when we do live it out…its beautiful…its right…its life changing. When we don’t see it…we notice…and it hurts. At ECHO we desire to learn to live a life of grace, with each other and within the community we live. We know, as we learn to love as God loves, then many will be touched and drawn towards the God who is Love. As we do this, as an authentic “body of people” sharing life, as we live in our roles, our giftings and our differences…together something really cool happens…and it changes lives when we do!
"Tolerance", according to Webster's, speaks of "sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one's own... the act of allowing something". In a sense it is a "making room for", even if you don't agree. Our culture seeks "tolerance at all costs", it seems to be a high value to many. In a world of “tolerance” many would love to see it extend towards religion also. Many say, "Well, they all are basicly the same... they are just different paths to the same goal", so we should be tolerant enough to allow this "religious smorgasboard". As I ponder this, I realize that perhaps all religions "are the same" some contend...let me explain. All religions acknowledge one central truth that seems universal to the human condition. Man is not “good enough”. Man has fallen short and needs to grow in His spiritual disciplines to be acceptable to god or even to become more in tune with god. All religions offer this concept as its core motivation. Apparently, humanity, at its deepest core, senses that we are out of favor with our Creator. We know we have sinned and come up short. Hindu’s, Buddhists, Muslims, Taoists, Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, ancient Egyptians, ancient Greeks, American Indians, Wiccans, Jews and yes even Christians all agree. We are not who we should be, and we need to grow, get in tune, and become "more" than we are. What’s fascinating, is that each of the world’s religions, past, present, and I assume, any we’ll dream up in the future, realize this and are built around “how” we get beyond our fallen-ness, and our human-ness. If you examine them all, they all tend to say similar things about right & wrong, it's quite fascinating really! To summarize some of the common religious beliefs, according to CS Lewis, we all basically agree that:
“-we are to not do harm to others in what we do or say (Golden Rule);
-honor your father & mother;
-be kind to brothers, sisters, children & the elderly;
-do not have sex with another’s spouse;
-be honest (don’t steal);
-don’t lie;
-care for those weaker or less fortunate;
-dying to self is the path to life”
It’s uncanny that such a variety of religions, would all have a similar code of conduct, so to speak, as if we all have some built in sense of right or wrong within us. Actually, we commonly know this as our "conscience", and it appears to be alive and well in most religions. The bible would say, "God has written His moral law on the hearts of all men". It seems that virtually all religions say most of the same things, so they do agree on a lot, don't they? Yes, there is an element of common truth present. Basically, we all agree on what’s right & wrong, in general. We all agree that mankind has screwed up and that we need God or a higher spiritual ideal. All religions offer methods to try to “make up for” or “try to attain”…but only one gives a permanent solution not centered in “us”. The bible says we are saved by God’s grace…not by what "we do". Grace is a concept far more powerful than tolerance. Tolerance is kind of like "grace light" is grace without love. Tolerance makes "room for" what we don't like...grace embraces us as we are! Jesus, God in the flesh, entered our messed up world, as one of us. He came humbly to model love in its purest form, and then He sacrificially died for all sin, all wrong doing, and all failures. God Himself had the solution…He paid His own price…and made a way for everyone to know Him in true & authentic, everlasting relationship. The “wall of our failure to be what we should be” is gone. Now for all who "choose" to trust Jesus, a relationship is available. The question now is, who "trusts" what God has done? Who will step into that relationship? That is what separates the religions of the world. All of them seek to "fix" the human problem of falling short. Only one provides the is uniquely found in Jesus! Only one isn't centered on what "we do", but on what "God has done" for us. That is a significant difference. One worth considering...and exploring. At ECHO we hope to be a safe place for people to explore that very thing...and to experience it the hope they might express it to others also...